Chapter 18

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"Tsk, tsk, this is going to require time for swelling to go down."

"I know that. Do I need surgery for it?"

Archiel just looks at me and shakes her head. "You'll need to wait-"

"For the swelling to go down. I know. Is there anything you can tell me?" I ask, huffing and rolling my eyes.

"I can tell you you're being an ass."

"Gee thanks." I wilt under Medics glare as she crosses her arms and I catch the scent of irritation on the rise. "Sorry," I mumble looking away, a flush creeping up my cheeks and I'm glad for the fur covering my face. 

"Yeah, thats what I thought." She hooks an IV into my arm despite my protestations. "If you need surgery, better to be prepared, no? But it won't hurt having extra fluids anyway." She pulls out ice packs and packs my leg to help reduce the swelling. "I'll be back in about twenty minutes. Don't move."

"Yes mum," I grumble, rolling my eyes again. 

"I mean it, Ceri. If you move I'm tying you to the bed."

I grin at her as she leaves. 

Thirty minutes later Soap comes through and grins at me. "Ooh, kinky. Trying something new are we?"

"No," my voice is a soft whine, my expression downtrodden and sad. I jangle the cuff links holding my wrist to the bed as I struggle pathetically against them. "I did my usual trick of ignoring the doctor. Apparently Medic doesn't joke around when she says she'll tie me to the bed if I move."

Soap's eyes widen in surprise and the scent of his humour is enough to turn my pout sour. "Ahhh, a doctor you can't bully or ignore. Seems like Medic came prepared to deal with you huh, Wolf." He takes a seat on the bed careful not to jostle the leg packed in ice. 

"I think Ben likes having his own hybrid doctor to bully me into doing what I'm told."

"I don't blame him, Uilebheist. You're a terror on everyone when you want your own way."

"I blame it on being the oldest," Bryce says smoothly as he enters the room. "Hello sis. I see you're being a nuisance again."

"Am not."

"The cuffs would suggest otherwise. I'd like to say this is the first time I've seen you cuffed, but sadly it's not."

"Ooh, tell me lad, why was she in cuffs?"

Bryce grimaces while I rurn red. "Don't answer that," I groan.

Soap turns to me and sees the embarrassment written all over my face. "Ahhh, that kind of situation eh, lass?" Soaps grin widens. 

"No comment."

"Don't worry, I'll get the story oot of you eventually."

"No, you won't." I close my eyes and with the hand attached to the IV i reach up to pinch the bridge of my nose. "Bryce, good to see you. How's the work with Laswell?"

"Good. She managed to pull some strings with the uni so I could finish out the degree in the field. Passed with flying colours." He preened looking proud of himself, and ecstatic to be dine with the degree finally. I smile at him as he takes a seat next to the bed.

"Yeah, he's been on ground here a lot, liasing between us and Laswell. He's been quiet the asset for any cyber related missions we've been running."

Bryce snorts. "Between Laswell and the 141 I have been kept very busy. While it has helped with passing the qualification, its not been great for my sleep schedule."

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