Chapter 8

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The knocking at the door has me pausing as I drag the shirt on over my body. I open the door to reveal Gaz standing on the other side. "Price is ready to bring Wolf in. I think he is worried."

"You're not?" I ask. I was worried, and I was dating the hybrid. Ghost had made sure to hammer it home thoroughly that she wasn't even close to pure human any more. That Gaz wasn't worried concerned me.

He looks at me knowingly. "Shane doesn't seem concerned about it. Neither does Archiel."

"You're taking Archiels opinion over the Captains?"

"In this? Yeah. They've been wanting to tell Wolf since it happened. She's been whinging for attention since I got back. She knows something up, but can't demand the answers."

I grumble. "Stubborn woman."

"Absolutely. She'll be able to pinpoint Ghost's location the moment we're within her range though, so she needs to know. It's going to save us a lot of effort finding him wherever he's been holed up."

Sighing, I step out, running my fingers through my hair. "I know. Laswell and Price better be prepared with a location if they're going to tell her. She'll be pissed as hell."

"I tried telling Price the same thing, but he's adamant we've already withheld the information long enough, she needs to know, even without a course of action available to her."

"I have no idea what she's going to do about this."

"You mean you have no idea if she's going to be pissed at you for losing her handler?"

"Oh, she absolutely will be," Shane's voice came from behind us down the hallway. "But she'll be more pissed everyone's kept it from her."

Throwing a glare at Shane and Gaz for their helpful insight as we enter the briefing room, I take a seat further away from them, intending on claiming some momentary respite. Archiel follows us, and Wolf comes bounding in beside her, tongue lolling out looking happy as a clam. Until she spots me. She comes bouncing up to me, almost leaping into my lap. Initially She's ecstatic to see me. But I see the moment she recognises something wrong. Shit. We hadn't counted on her figuring it before Price could tell her. She scented me, lip snarling as she growled at me. 

"Wolf," I speak softly as she takes a step back staring up at me. She leans back on her hunches, the growl beginning to vibrate through the room. Shit. I try again to get her to calm down. I try to remember what Ghost would have done. The memory of him walking straight up to her when she was feral without an ounce of fear travelling through him, slips through my mind. I take a deep steadying breath and kneel down on the floor in front of her. I keep my eyes focused on her as I try to talk her down. "Hey, Mo Uilebheist. It's going to be alright, we'll get him back." 

She snaps her jaws, but doesn't move closer. I see her eyes wondering to my throat and I know she's contemplating wrapping her jaws around it. I take another calm deep breath and hold my hands out to her. I try and push as much trust and faith to the forefront of my thoughts for her to sense. 

I can see her relaxing. She's still pissed off, but she's not growling any more. Until Price enters the room. I can see her stiffen up as she recognises his footsteps outside of the room. She's mid-air lunging towards him before I can stop her. 

A red and black blur slams into her, pinning her to the ground. Wolf is snapping and biting at The Medics neck, trying to force submission from the other woman. 

"Damn, Medics got some moves," Gaz mutters admiring the fox hybrid.

In the scuffle, Medic ends up on top pinning Wolf to the floor, forearm pressed against Wolfs throat. She's whispering something softly into Wolfs ear, no doubt trying to calm her down. Price on the other hand is standing stock still in the door way, surprise plastered to his face at the realisation that he'd narrowly avoided being mauled. 

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