Chapter 26

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I sit in Ghosts office, legs up on his desk as I slink low in my chair, nose in the book I was reading. After walking around the base restless all day, the remnants of my nightmare still clinging to me I'd decided Ghosts office would help. The thick scent of gun powder, cigarettes and whiskey clung to the air. I didn't come here often as I had no need for it usually. Turns out the same key that allowed me access to his room also gave me access to his office which I'd found out, out of desperation to get in. 

I could hear Ghost out in the hallway, moving towards the office. I kept reading the book that Archiel had gotten me for my birthday yesterday. It was a basic book of codes and cryptography. My ears twitch as the door clicks open and Ghost pauses in the middle of the doorway as his heart rate speeds up slightly. Still facing away from the doorway, I grin into my book knowing he hadn't expected to see me in here.

"Wolf," He greets stoic as always. "Why are your feet on my desk?"

"My leg was hurting."

"Uhuh... And where did that chair even come from? The only chair in this room is mine."

"I know! Rude. But anyway, I went to one of the meeting rooms and stole a comfy chair." I shift my legs swivelling from side to side like a child excited to get a spinney chair.

"Get your legs off my desk."

"Hmmmm, no thanks." I say putting my book down to look up at him with an innocent smile. "I'm comfy here."

"How did you even get in here?"

"Whatever happened to: 'Hi, how are you, bestie? I know you had a bad nightmare last night, and that gave me real life nightmares. Maybe we should go get alcohol, and ice-cream and watch a sappy movie together.'" My voice is utterly deadpan as I speak, my expression creasing as I try to hide the mischievous twinkle wanting to make itself known to my eyes.

"What? You're still bothered by that?" He asks gruffly. "Softcock. Thought you had your big girl panties on." He moves into the room and removes my legs from his desk gently, making sure to not drop my injured leg.

"No, I think your wearing my only pair of big girl panties today," I respond still maintaining my deadpan delivery as much as possible.

"I don't think your panties would fit me, pup. Maybe Soap decided to wear them today, if you can't find them?"

"No, no, you're definitely acting like you've got something stuck up your arse... if it's not a pair of womens panties, maybe you need to remove the carrot someone shoved up there?"

That comment broke Ghosts stoic facade, an unholy snorting sound escaping from low in his throat. "Jesus Christ." He sits at his desk and opens his laptop. "Is that why you're here? Planning on swapping witty repartee all afternoon?"

"No, smartass," I roll my eyes and show him the book. "I'm reading about basic cryptology."

"How are you finding it?"

"Difficult... I don't think cryptology is my forte."

"Too many braincells required huh?"

"Yeah, think so."

"Would you rather help kill some more and assist in planning out training requirements and recertification for the 141?"

"Oooh, maybe. What are we looking at?"

"Gotta get our jumps, basic field medicals, firearms, all up to date. Might look at extra training for you, Shane and Medic in search and retrieval, bomb detection, language classes..." He trailed off as he continued thinking about anything else that might need to be dealt with.

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