Chapter 31

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I wake up the next morning to find Wolfs bed empty. "What the fuck?" I grumble to myself swiping a hand across my face, sleep grating across my eyes as I do so. I wipe away the gunk and slip the mask on as I go and hunt down my Dog. As I step out of her room I can hear the Medic yelling incomprehensibly. Suspecting the cause of Spanish expletives was Wolf, I followed the sound to the kitchen. Where I found Wolf cowering on the floor, eyes wide as Archiel yelled at her. 

"What's going on?" I ask, my voice gruff with irritation. 

Archiel turned on me, wagging her finger at me as she mixed between Spanish and English. I managed to catch the gist of her point. 

"So what if she ate your cookies? I'll buy you more ingredients. I'll even make her help you if you want when she's more human again."

"So what?!" Archiel screamed, and I suspected I'd missed something here. Surely she couldn't be mad Wolf had snuck in a couple cookies. 

"What's wrong with her eating a couple of your cookies?" I ask, still confused. 

"A couple?! She ate the whole damn batch of edible cookies!"

"Well, I should hope they were edible."

"They had weed in them Ghost! And she snuck in some of the brownies too!"

"Oooh, shit." I look down at Wolf and notice her wide pupils, tongue hanging out as she pants. I turn back to the medic. "Why are you making pot cookies?!" I cross my arms as anger surges through me that my dog had been drugged. 

"They're a pain relief for when you guys do stupid shit on missions. She wasn't meant to eat any!" She crouches down and inspect Wolf closely as she finally calms down. "She should be fine. She has a high metabolism, so it's going to hit her hard and fast, but should wear off quickly." She looks up at me and shakes her head. "She's going to be high as balls for a couple of hours, can you take her to the medbay so I can keep an eye on her?"

"Whose high as balls?" Soaps voice from the door makes me groan. 

"Wolf... She got into Archiels special cookies."

"Ah," he comes around and crouches down in front of Wolf grinning. "Ach, I know that look lass. Your first time eh?" He cups her cheeks soothingly. "You'll be right as rain soon." He shakes his head laughing. "I'll look after her in the medbay, Ghost. Price wants ta speak ta yer." He makes his way to the fridge and grabs out a couple bottles it cold water and some snacks. "Besides, better I look after her. You're too straightlaced to know what's good fer a stoner, Ghost." He holds the snacks easily as he bends down and picks up Wolf easily. She let's out a mournful whine as her altitude changes. She closes her eyes and pushes her face into Soaps shoulder and I suspect she had a bout of vertigo. 

"God damnit," I mutter. "I have a stoner War Dog," I grumble. "What's next?

I watch as Soap takes off with Wolf, his voice mumbling soothing nothing's to her as I continue to hear her grumbling petulantly. 

As they make their way around a corner I turn to face Archiel. "So, why are you making pot cookies?" 

"As I told you, it's a pain relief for when you lot come back broken as hell," she says and shoves a cookie into my hand. 

"Why are you trying to give me pot cookies now?" I ask, disgruntled. She takes the cookie and replaces it with a brownie instead without a word. "That's not what I meant! Why are you trying to get me high?"

"It's medicinal. As long as you don't eat the entire damn batch, you'll be fine."

"I don't- what? How?" I splutter undignified as I tried to form a coherent thought. I was still half asleep and not ready to be confronted with pot desserts so early in the morning.

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