Chapter 13

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"Wolf, wake up." The voice grates against me and I grumble, trying to roll over and cover my ears. "Go away," I grumble.

"Och, lass, is that really the first thing you want to say to me since you've recovered?"

I recognise the voice and open one eye blearily. "Johnny?" I mumble confused. 

"Aye, lass, it's me. You've been unconscious for few hours now. Archiel says your body basically just hit a reset switch when you turned more human again. Like a computer that needed to be rebooted after an update."

I feel his hands across my body and I feel myself slump forwards into his grip as my helo harness was released. He wrapped his arms under my legs and lifted me up easily. "We've just landed back at base, and I'm glad Archiel appears to be right about the reboot, I wasn't sure you'd wake up for me." I rest my head against his chest, eyes closing as I fight the fatigue tearing at my body relentlessly. 

"Mo Uilebheist, I need you to stay awake, at least until we get to Dr. McKenzie, ok sweetheart?"

"Ok, Johnny," I agree, my voice soft. My eyes flutter back open again and I stare up at him. "Did we get him?"

"We sure did, sweetheart. Archiel and Gaz are helping him get to medbay ahead of us. It took me a little bit of time to wake you up."

"What happened?"

Fortunately he knows what I am referring to as he explains. "After finding Ghost, you collapsed without warning. Archiel couldn't deal with you and Ghost, but declared you as ok enough to get you to the evac point without medical attention. On the helo she looked you over and came up empty on what the issue could be, and figured your body just couldn't handle the stress and so shut down. That's why we're going to Ben, to confirm her theory."

"He's going to be so happy I can verbally sass him again," I say with a weak wry grin, already amused at the prospect of Bens unamused glares.

"I've missed you, Uilebheist," Soap says softly, smiling down at me before planting a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Of course you have, I'm a delight," I respond, eyes flashing mischievously as he groans. "I bet everyone missed me."

"You'd be right little sister, we sure did." Bryce comes towards us down the hall. "And I see you're talking again. Tired of being non-verbal huh?"

"Eurgh, now you're here, I have to go non-verbal again. Why would I want to talk to you?"

He grins at me and ruffles my hair as he steps up next to Soap and walks with us to the medbay. "Because I'm related to you, so I'm also delightful. You're lucky to have a brother like me, you know."

"Your brothers have been insufferable, darling. We've had no one to keep them in line while you've been unconscious."

I huff, and shake my head laughing. "Speaking off, how long was I unconscious for anyway?" At the question I can feel both of the men freeze up and hesitate before Bryce speaks. 

"Just over seven months, I think."

"Shit, that long?"

"Well, you did get shot in the head..."

"I... What?" I ask, flabbergasted, eyes wide as I crane my neck to look at Bryce.

"Wait, you don't remember?"

"No. I remember Russia, disarming the bombs, but all I can remember is Ghost saying he had to go. Nothing after that."

"Uilebheist, you saved my life." His voice is strained and so full of pain I look slowly up at him. My arm moves so much slower than I want it to as I raise it to cup his face gingerly. "You pushed me out of the way of Makarovs line of fire, instead the bullet glanced across your head." His hands around my body have tightened, and I wonder if they're going to leave bruises later. His expression hardens as he returns back to the present. "Don't do that again, you understand?" I recoil slightly at the vehement tone directed at me.

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