Side-chapter Slightly NSFW

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"Aye, lass," Soaps gruff voice came from underneath me. I'd flopped on top of him, my smaller frame eliciting a huff as he tensed under the force of my body. His hand slides up under my mask and slips the fabric off with a practice ease. "Aren't ye meant to be training?"The question sends a thrill of fatigue running through my systematic and I groan. "Ghost has me running circles just because he can," I grumble. "Well, he is your handler and your Lieutenant." His voice sounds so reasonable that I want to smack him, just to knock some sense into him. "I am also a Lieutenant," I respond with disgust. The chuckle vibrating through his chest has me scowling at him, only resounding in more laughter from him. My annoyance disintegrates, seeing him happy making it difficult for me to stay mad. "Yes, you're a Lieutenant on the ADF, and you kept that title only because you're Ghosts War Dog. You're still the rookie, Uilebheist." His hand comes up to run across my jawbone, the action soothing the bite of his words. "Yes, Sergeant," I respond with the accompanying eye roll, head flopping back against his chest as I lay there sore and tired. "Oooh, say it again, Uilebheist," Soap smirks as I feel the twitch of excitement from underneath my body. I groan, refusing to give into what he wants, pressing my face against his chest as I shake my head. "No," I complain. "Come on, Mo Uilebheist. You're about to head to Mexico. It might be the last time I get to hear you say it." His hands slide down my face, cupping my chin gently as he lifts my head. His soft earnest expression breaks down my fatigue, leaving behind the beginnings of desire. "Yes, Sir," I say, playing into what he wants without giving him what he's asking for. The groan he gives in response tells me I'm teasing him just right. "No, you know that's not what I wanted," he mutters. "You cheeky mutt.""Use your words, Johnny, what do you want? I can sit, roll over, play dead." I grin at him, both of his hands now cupping my face as he smooshes my head between his hands. "God damnit," He mutters, shifting so he's half sitting up, bending at the waist to kiss me. The kiss is soft and lingering, making me melt against him."Mmmm," I hum gently against his lips. "Yes, Sergeant." The hushed words fall from my lips, and I feel the grin against my mouth as Soap whispers back, "Good Girl."I can't help it, my tail starts to thwack against the bed, one of the few tell tale signs that Soaps praise affected me more than I let on. The soft pleased laugh from Soap telling me he thought it was adorable. "Oh, you like being called a good girl, hmm? Perhaps you should be less of a brat and maybe you'd get praised more often." He sits up, leg shifting to shove me under him so he's on top, pinning me to the bed easily, fingers under my chin tipping my face up to meet his eyes. "Uilebheist, are you going to be a good girl for me?" He leans down, lips pressing against my jaw as he trails kisses along my furred skin. His hand trails fingers gently down the other side, the sensation making me close my eyes, little tingles of pleasure thrilling through me. "Yes," I manage to whisper out loud through the anticipation building inside of me. "Yes what?" He asks, a hint of warning in his voice. "Yes Sergeant," I gasp out as Soaps fingers slide up under my shirt, caressing along my finely furred side. The fingers at my throat curl under my neck, massaging the tension away gently. "Good puppy," Soap purs, pleasure filling his voice, fingers sliding up taking my hoody with it. "I don't think Ghost will want this back smelling like us, hmm," he says and pulls it up over my head, chucking it on the floor by the door. "No," I agree, my voice hoarse and body trembling as Soaps fingers continue to play against my skin, teasing and tracing patterns in my fur. The longer his fingers keep playing against my skin, the more I forget about the fatigue that had been plaguing me, my body writhing against his bed sheets the scent of Soap thickening in the air as I shift his sheets loose. The smell of Soap encourages me sink further into his sheets, trying to force more of his scent into the air.

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