Chapter 36

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A day later and I'm still running around in the outfits Ghost had bought for me. When the helo lands outside, I'm wearing my green coat with the black outfit, gloves with just one of my military issued masks. Ghost is standing quietly, watching me with amusement knowing how much pleasure the clothes had bought me. Preening under his gaze, I bounce eagerly, waiting to see Soap knowing that Ghost and I will be heading out to Manchester later this afternoon.

I knew from Soaps messages that he was annoyed we were leaving so soon after they'd come back, especially empty handed, but Ghost hadn't wanted to get caught in another mission before we had the chance to depart. Soap had grumbled on the phone last night, asking me and then consequently asking Ghost if he could come too. Ghost had simply answered it with a 'not this time,' and ceased talking about it. Soap had grumbled some more but acquiesced in the end. Our compromise had been to spend the afternoon together before Ghost and I departed.

I watch as he steps off the helo, glancing past me and frowning before his eyes find Ghost. I can feel Ghosts amusement sky rocket as he realises Soap has completely misjudged who I am, the clothes clearly a change compared to my usual hoody and trackpants combo making me look like a slob. I feel Ghosts eyes slide to me in a silent communication to Soap re-directing his attention to me and I pop my ears up from where I'd had them hidden in with my hair. The look of recognition and surprise on his face as he realised who I was sent a spike of glee through me, excited to have been able to fool even Soap with the new wardrobe change up.

He strides forwards, dropping his kit to the ground as his arms wrap around me lifting me up. "Uilebheist! I didnae recognise ye, ye bonnie lass." His accent thickened with sleep deprivation and shock has me laughing softly as I wrap my arms around his neck. "Soap," I greet, happy to finally have him back, even knowing I'll be the one leaving soon. "Do you like it?" My voice is excited and pleased.

"You look like a proper person, instead of a little terror now."

"Funny," I say rolling my eyes. "Ghost said something similar."

He laughs, bending his head slightly to kiss the tip of my nose through the mask. "Well, pup, he's not wrong. With a bit of a wax around the top of your face, no one would be the wiser that you're the bringer of nightmares." I roll my eyes at his response and he lets me back down gently so I'm standing on my own two legs.

"Where's the brace, sis?" I look at my mission weary brother and shrug.

"Hello to you too. For your information it's back in the room. Ben gave me permission to start leaving it off for smaller ventures. Start trying to build the muscles back up again. It's all packed up in my bag for the trip to Manchester, but for now, I'm taking advantage of being brace free."

His ears perk up and he looks over my new outfit carefully. "Oh, is that why you're all dressed up super nice? I thought you were just trying to seduce MacTavish here."

"Nah, that's just a positive side effect. I have no idea why I have nice clothes though, it was mandated by Ghost. Perhaps we're going undercover into the mob?" I grin slyly. I'd been trying to figure out what was happening since he'd told me we were going. Despite him teasing me yesterday, turns out he'd gotten my paperwork and leave approved with his.

"We are not... You know what, yeah. That's it. We're going undercover." Ghost let out a long suffering sigh attempting to divert me from trying to guess.

"Whatever the reason, I'm not complaining," Soap picks up his kit and takes my hand. "I have an afternoon you've promised me. Let's go."

He drags me away from the others, leaving them laughing.

"We have briefing at 1900 hours," Price calls out as I laugh, giddy.

Several hours later, we're sitting in a deserted park, fish and chips on the table as we talk.

"So he doesn't know you've figured it out you're visiting his family?"

I shake my head, squeezing a slice of lemon over my crumbed fish. "No, I don't think so. I think he's a bit nervous to just outright tell me. Tried to convince me to stay with you."

"Aww, lass, I'm heart broken, you'd rather go spend two weeks with that thug instead of me?" His teasing grin has me melting on the spot.

"Yeah, unfortunately for you, that thug is my handler. Besides, seeing his family could be good for us."

"Going to speak to some headstones will be good for you?" eyebrow raised questioningly at me.

All I can do is shrug. "I mean, my parents are alive, but they're assholes, so they might as well be dead to me. Ghost loved his mum, brother and nephew dearly. It'll be good for him. As for me, well, I need the time off. So two weeks away will be nice."

He picks up a chip mindlessly as he thinks on my words, head nodding slowly as he digests my words and the mass amount of carbs he'd shoved into his body. "Yeah, you're right, lass. He's been moodier than normal lately. This will be a good re-set for him."

"In his defence, we've both been grounded from working missions. I'm sure you'd be hell moody too."

He eyes me down knowingly. "I'll tell you I am moody for having been away for weeks without my Uilebheist to keep me company." He waits for me to finish the fish before wrapping everything up and throwing away the rubbish. Without giving me warning, he picks me up cradling me gently and carries me back to the car. "Johnny!" I complain, my laughter negating the complaint. "I have to leave in a couple of hours."

"Plenty of time. I'll make sure you're ready and waiting for Ghost, don't worry." His low voice warning me to not argue with him.

As promised, I'm standing waiting for Ghost outside, bags already having been packed into the car earlier that morning. Ghost steps out through the door and smirks at my mussed hair eyes pinned to my chest. If I'd had anything to show off, I might have accused him of copping a look, instead my eyes travel down and realise I've missed a button... or three.

I huff a sigh and adjust my top, redoing the buttons I'd hastily done back up to ensure I was back out here in time for Ghost.

"In the car, you fiend," Ghost rumbles, still amused at my dishevelled look. I slip into the passenger seat, still redressing myself and straightening out my clothes. "I didn't think you'd be out on time, considering how Johnny dragged you back onto the base," He smirks at me, still laughing.

I glance at him, a smirk curling my own lips. "He promised I'd be out on time. Clearly didn't promise me I'd be presentable when I left though," I grumble, laughing at my state.

"Hmmm... You're lucky my sense of smell isn't as developed as yours. You reek of Soap."

I shrug, unconcerned. "Too bad so sad." My clear lack of concern for his sense of smell has him resorting to turning the music on to shut the conversation down instead, and we drive the rest of the way to Manchester in a companionable silence.

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