Chapter 7

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A week later, after searching the small town we'd invaded for any sign of Ghost we were heading home, spirits low. I knew Price was kicking himself for not finding Ghost. I also knew that we both had Ceri weighing heavily in our minds. Our training in Australia when we'd stayed with Gaz last time had warned us of the consequences of handlers dying and leaving their hybrids behind. We had time, I knew we had time. I didn't know if the news of her handler going missing while she was stuck in her canine personality would push her in the right direction, or the wrong one. 

"Price, I had not been expecting you for another three days." Nikolai's cheery voice greeted us as we boarded the helo. 

"We ran into some issues, Nik. Can you get us back asap?"

I watch Nik's keen eyes as he realises there's only the two of us. He nods sharply. "You got it Price."

We sit in sombre silence as we make the flight back. I know Price has already contacted Laswell. She's been searching in all the usual, and unusual places Makarov might have holed up in. The helo lands on base grounds, Laswell, Bryce, Shane and Gaz greeting us looking haggard. We'd decided Price would be the best one to speak to Ceri and tell her about Ghost getting captured. Bryce, Shane and Archiel would be on hand to stop her from doing any damage should she snap.

Laswell takes point on stealing Price away, no doubt to talk over intel and options, leaving me alone to face the rest of the group, Bryce following behind them. "Soap," Gaz greets me, voice steady. 

"Any news?" I ask him, already knowing the answer. His shaking head confirming my fears.

"Not unless Laswell's found something in the last couple of hours she hasn't shared. She's had satellites and drones out as much as possible trying to find him. Our network hasn't had anything surface yet." He hesitates before speaking again. "How did he get taken? Ghost of all people is the last one I would have expected to get taken."

"No idea. We separated to search the buildings, and then we got ambushed. Price and I managed to backtrack and get out. By the time we were able to get back to try and find him, everyone was gone."

"Shit, do you think maybe they wanted Wolf?" Shane interjects, his voice considering.

"Perhaps. If they only took Ghost it seems that way." I knew if Ghost had taken Wolf, she'd have alerted him to any danger before he walked into it, but on the other hand I'm glad she hadn't been present if they were actually after her instead of him.

"Speaking of, where is she?"

Shane shakes his head with a small grin. "Pestering Archiel. That poor medic has her hands full."

"She says she likes looking after Wolf. Apparently Medic knows Wolf." I turn to Gaz surprised. 

"How do you know that?"

"I've been spending some time with our pretty new medic." He grins slyly. "Unlike you and Ghost, I'm not a rude asshole."

"I am not a rude asshole," my declaration is filled with indignation.

"You are, you've barely spoken to her. Medic Angelina knew Wolf in the ADF before Ceri became Wolf."

My eyebrows raised in surprise. "Angelina? As in Archiel?"

"Yes." Gaz looks far too smug for his own good.

"Is that why Wolf likes her so much?"

"No. Get this, Angelina knew of Wolf primarily through reputation. Because of what Wolf's reputation said about her, Angelina followed in her footsteps."

"She followed some woman based on reputation alone?" My voice was filled with the same incredulity I could feel across my expression

"Apparently. I think she has a bit of a girl crush on our Wolf." 

"I think that's mutually returned on Wolfs part." I can hear the grumble in my voice, still salty that Wolf had chosen to stay with Archiel, and wondered if she was still mad with me. I wondered how much more angry she was going to be with me when she found out I'd helped in losing her handler. My thoughts are interrupted when I hear Shane snorting, trying to keep his laughter under wraps.

"I think you two are thinking too hard about their relationship."

"What makes you say that, dog boy?" I ask with a smirk. 

"Har, har," he snarks back, and that tone of voice reminds me so violently of how Ceri would have spoken that I feel my heart stutter in my chest, pain blossoming through my torso as if his words had been bullets directed straight for my heard. I turn my head and I can feel Shane hesitate before speaking again, no doubt sensing the pain I felt, but maybe not understanding the cause of it. "They're both female hybrids in a male dominated field. Asides from some of the medics on site, there's no one else here they can socialise with."

"They can socialise with us." I say frowning, and even Gaz gives me a soft glare, cuffing me across the back of the head. 

"You're an idiot. How is Wolf even interested in you man? For such an intelligent man, you are so incredibly stupid."

"What, you're smarter than me, Gaz?" I cross my arms, posturing up.

"Yep. Even I know that having a group of jacked-up men as friends isn't the same thing as having female friends to socialise with."

"You think I'm jacked up?" I ask preening, flexing my arms to show off.

"Yep," Shane nods surprisingly serious. "In the head," he grins.

My preening stops as I slump defeated. "Fine, I can't argue that I suppose."

We make our way to our rooms making small talk the rest of the way. I slide my card against the reader and the door pops open. I drop my gear to the ground with a groan and hesitate between having a shower or finding Wolf. I make the decision it's probably best to leave Wolf with Archiel for the moment until Price has a chance to tell her what's happened. Shower it is. 

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