still mine

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I feel a lot of remorse because I fibbed to Hobi, but it's not my fault. If Yoongi hadn't called me, I would've gone with him.

I'm totally smitten with Yoongi. I can deny the whole world just to be with him. Right now, I'm chilling in his bed, rocking his white shirt while he's been away for a bit.

After a little while, he walked in with his sleeves rolled up, carrying a tray of delicious food. His strong arms were so attractive, and it was hard not to notice the veins popping out.

He flashed me his adorable smile, and my heart started racing. He set the food down right next to me.

"Have you packed for the engagement?" he asked and encouraged me to eat. It reminded me of the guilt I felt for lying to Hobi about packing when he wanted to hang out.

"Nah, I'll do it later when I get back," I replied, taking a big bite of noodles. Yoongi has always been an amazing cook, and his food tastes even better because of the love I feel for him.

He nodded and kept eating. We've been sneaking around for a while now. He told me upfront that he doesn't do feelings or fall in love, but I can tell by the way he treats me that he cares.

I told him that I wouldn't fall for him, but come on, it's Min Yoongi we're talking about! How can anyone resist falling in love with him?

"Alright, go freshen up and I'll give you a ride home," he said as he started clearing the dishes. It's clear that he cares about me so much. He always takes care of me after breaking me in a passionate sex, never letting me go home alone. It's just hard to believe that he claims he doesn't love me.

I quickly hopped out of his bed, feeling a bit bashful with my bare legs exposed. But he didn't seem bothered at all and went out of the room. I rummaged through his closet and borrowed one of his dresses. Then, I headed to his bathroom to freshen up.

I've got a ton of packing to do! We're leaving for the engagement in just two days, and Taehyung and Jungkook want everything to be perfectly arranged there.

୭ 🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀


I was determined to meet with Jimin today. With Taekook's engagement drawing near, I'm eager to ask him out as well.

I've been harboring secret feelings for him for about six months now, and I suspect he might be aware of them too. He's just so charming; those plump lips of his are irresistible.

When I called him and invited him out for coffee, he mentioned he's swamped with preparations for the trip.

I understand the importance of it, with only two days left until our departure. However, I can't help but wish he could spare just a little time for me.

Of course, I won't pressure him because you can't compel someone to reciprocate feelings, can you?



No matter how hard I try to reconcile with Kim Namjoon, it feels utterly futile.

I've been reaching out to him through texts and calls since yesterday, yet all I get in return is the irritating monotone of his voicemail.

I'm so frustrated that if I knew where he lived, I might have stormed over there in a fit of rage and will chop his head off his body. I mean, seriously, couldn't he at least leave a message before vanishing into thin air?

Pretend To Be Mine | Namjin FF ✓Where stories live. Discover now