mine to use

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"Namjoon, you don't have to come with me if you're not comfortable," Seokjin said, fidgeting with his fingers.

Since we returned to Korea, I've been coming to his house almost every day, spending the night with him in my arms. I'm practically living with him. If I can't make him stay at my place, then I'll stay at his, just to keep him close to me at all costs.

"I want to come, mi vida," I told him, taking both of his hands in mine. Yesterday, his mood soured again when his father called, reminding him that he needs to meet him as soon as possible with his boyfriend.

He didn't want to tell me what his father said, but I managed to get it out of him. Now we're going to meet his so-called father.

"Why?" he asked, looking at me with his perfect eyes.

"Because your father wants to meet your boyfriend," I replied. He sighed and slipped his hands from mine.

I didn't like that one bit. "Let's go," he said, and I grabbed his hands once more, intertwining my fingers with his soft, delicate ones.

I have a house in Busan, so we will live there, but if Seokjin wants to stay at his parents’ house, I won’t stop him.

I took the driver’s seat after helping him into the passenger seat and drove off. My mind has been a mess for days since the last incident.

Since then, there has been no provocation from Daniel's side, but I know he's not the type to stop causing trouble. I’m worried to death for Seokjin.

As long as I’m alive, Daniel can't reach him, but if he touches a single hair on his head, I'll make sure he suffers a painful death.

“Namjoon, what are we?” Seokjin asked suddenly, not looking away from the mirror.

“We are boyfriends,” I replied simply. I would love to make him mine completely, but I need to take down Daniel first. I don’t want to pull Seokjin into constant danger by marrying him.

“That’s it?” he asked, twirling his necklace around his neck.

“Do you want us to be something else, darling?” I asked, noticing his every movement. Roses started blooming in my chest at the meaning behind his words.

“I was just asking,” he said, dropping the necklace from his hands. The way it dangled around his perfect neck and between his collarbones was driving me wild.

I made a mental note to fuck him wearing nothing but this necklace with my name etched on it.

After four hours of smooth driving, we reached Seokjin's parents' house. I glanced beside me and a small smile crept onto my lips.

Seokjin is so angelic; I’m amazed how he fits into this world. He’s made for heaven. Look at him, so perfect while sleeping. I leaned closer, capturing the pout of his lips with my own.

He woke up, his hands wrapping around me almost instantly. I smiled as I pulled him onto my lap, still kissing him.

“We’ve arrived?” he asked sleepily after I broke the kiss.

“Yes, baby. Do you want to go to my house first to take a nap, and then we can come back?” I asked softly, caressing his cheeks with my knuckles.

If Minho hurts my angel today, I’ll make sure he pays.

“No, I want to get it over with as soon as possible,” he sighed, then took a deep breath.

I grabbed the back of his neck and kissed his plump lips once more.

Pretend To Be Mine | Namjin FF ✓Where stories live. Discover now