Let me take care of you

534 38 11

Boss : sorry I'm late, I was getting attacked by a razor blade in the bathroom.

Harry : Are you alright, what happened?

Boss : I'm fine, I have bigger things to worry about right now...Let just go!

**At the nightclub**


I couldn't stop thinking about noeul.
I really feel bad about how I spoke to him, should I apologise for speaking to him that way.

Harry : Earth to Boss?

Boss : sorry, what were you saying?

Harry : I asked you about keira.

Boss : who? That crazy girl.

Harry : well she does seems like she's really crazy about you. Or should I say rather obsessed with you.

Boss : well I have already told her what happened between her and i was a mistake so she should move the fuck on.

Because the fact that I didn't do anything to her when I found out that she really did drugged me that night...I didn't do anything to her because I don't hurt women. So she shouldn't push me.

Harry : I hope she does understands.

Boss : If she doesn't, then she's really going to have a problem with me.

Harry : Anyway, I'm heading to the washroom.

Boss : Alright.

**10 minutes later**

Boss : Wait! Is that Luca?

I saw Luca and some of his friends just entered the club. What is that bustard doing here? I think I need to calm down, he can't see that I'm here.

Could these night get any worse?
Out of all the nightclubs he could've gone to, he had to choose this one. What is he even doing here?

His little brother has been missing for three days and he's out here partying like nothing is wrong. Does he not care about him? Or does he knows that it's my family who took him.

I heard footsteps then decided to turn around then I saw him. He definitely followed me out here.

The sight of him just makes me sick to my stomach. I can't decide whether I should just shoot him or push him right over the side of the balcony. I think both.

Luca : well, well, well, who do we have here. If it isn't Boss chaikamon. Longtime no see.

Boss : what the fuck do you want.

Luca : why so hostile, I only want to talk?

Boss : Take a step closer and we'll see if you still want to talk.

Luca : I have missed you, Boss.

Boss : Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now?

Luca : Because we're in public, and there's a CCTV cameras and would you look at that......You don't have your gun.


Shit! I forgot I don't have my gun with me....fuck I really wish I had taken it with me now.

Luca : I can see you're a very private person, ain't you Boss.

Boss : Can you get the fuck out of my face, I don't have the time for all your bullshit.

And don't forget that I and my family run this city, Luca. So am always one step ahead of you, nothing happens in this city without us knowing about it.

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