1 - A Little Too Adventurous

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POV - ???

Honestly? I don't know how long the angels and demons have been fighting.

Really, we, the people, don't really care much about it. It's our rulers that are angry at eachother. According to old stories, they were pretty good friends until... something happened. 

There's only one thing that separates the two realms. A border.

Well, it's more like.. a small room, which is the only place that you can access the border. The rest of the land is obviously just more clouds and stuff.

The two realms lie on top of eachother, which is why the border room is described as "trippy." Think of it as a mirror, except it's not your reflection. The whole entire thing is straight up magic. You can see the other side, and the other side can see you. But they're not ACTUALLY on the other side, if it makes any sense. More like... other floor? I have no idea.

Obviously, this room isn't just left there. It has its own guard, who I'll call the border guy. He decides where you go, and keeps anybody from crossing over, even though the border will just electric shock you if you touch it. Which is a bummer, because that's my goal. To cross over, not get shocked.

But the security system isn't that secure. There's a certain place on the wall that activates some sort of black hole thing right under your feet if you press on it. After that happens, it's all a blur. 

The other option is just to mess up really badly, and get sent there. I'm not going for that option, because it just ends up terribly and with a long lecture too. It's also just not my type of thing to do. Although, I shouldn't even be doing this at all, but, y'know. Curiosity.

WAIT- Have I told you my entire "life" plan, without ever saying my name? I knew my memory was bad.. but I didn't think it would be to this extent.

Well then. My name is Ren, but most people know me as PinkLeaf. It's one weird nickname, but I guess that's what you get for having a literal pink leaf on your back..

You know what, I should just maybe tell you about everyone else here. And I'm pretty sure they have way more normal names than me.

First is my friend, Bella. She really likes watermelon, which is probably why she wears a watermelon-themed top. Oh yeah, and she likes to prank people too. Unfortunately, I've been a victim of those pranks many, many times.. I mean, she is sort of known for that. However, her favorite victim is this guy named Kreek.

Kreek's role as Bella's favorite person to prank is understandable. If he could, Kreek would probably talk about the tastiness of poptarts and how pretty his girlfriend is all day long. Maybe that's why people call him a "simp." I don't know what that means though. Apart from that, he's actually pretty chill.

The next person.. I don't even know why he's here. He's sort of chaotic and can be violent at times. The guy's name, you may ask? Most people know him as PghLFilms, or Lego. I wonder if a mistake was made when Lego was sorted into here, because he is definitely not in the right place. He's also famous for people editing his screams into "perfectly cut" ones, and roleplay films. Piggy, too.

Another one is a girl named Sanna. She's nicknamed "Sanna Banana" by a lot of people, and I can see why. Her pigtails look like peeled bananas, except for the fact that they're slightly wavy. At first glance, Sanna seems to be a kind person. But according to Bella, she can get a little savage once you get to know her. Bella's my only source for this information, so who knows what's true and what's not.

We'll be moving on to the more wacky people now, starting with Calixo. Everyone knows him to be slightly- I mean, pretty obnoxious. He's the type to sing in front of the mirror while in the bathroom. Especially when everyone's sleeping. A lot of people joke about him being Superman due to his outfit. I'm not sure if I feel bad for him..

Next is Jayingee. He's always making up jokes, whether they make any sense or not. Also, he's known for his "lack of braincells." I'm sure Jayingee has as much braincells as a regular person does... he just probably doesn't use most of them. Although, he is actually a cool guy if you get past his stupidity. I actually like to hang out with him whenever my friends are busy.

Speaking of friends, I can't believe I forgot about this one person! His name is Jackeryz, and we met during... actually, I can't remember. I think it was a little parkour race of some sorts. He got 0.5 points, and I got 4. I don't know why Jackeryz even tried to race me, I'm known to be THE obby master of all time, but oh well. We did a so-called "GG," and then became friends. He has a great sense of humor too. The "XX Cheatatron 3,000" is the most memorable!

Andddddddd... finally, our ruler/leader, Russo. He's very funny and light-hearted, at least to us. Rumors say that he's much colder during meetings with the border guy and demon empress. To me, it doesn't seem that far-fetched. After all, he will shut down any conversation about the big feud. They must have big history.. hey, did I mention that he really likes blue? His hair is blue, and wears blue in his free time, atleast according to gossip. The gossip mostly comes from the girls, by the way.

Oh wait, that's not all... I didn't talk that much about the border guy. Ok, first of all, his name is DJ, and he looks like a pineapple. Except with cool glasses. Honestly, he's not that tough for a guard, in fact, he gets distracted by conversations often. Look, if everyone in heaven was a whole entire family, DJ would be the cool uncle who cracks jokes at every dinner. I don't know, he just gives that vibe.

So yeah, that's pretty much all the people I know. Cool, huh? There's more people around here, but I don't know them that well. It's practically a miracle that I even have any friends at all. As Bella would say, "I bet there's a picture of you next to the dictionary definition of 'introverted!'" OK, I'm exaggerating a bit, but still. I have to get back to doing regular life stuff anyway, and go plan my escape to the other realm- I mean, uh... go talk with my friends.

But seriously, when will I ever achieve my goal?


word count - 1115 words

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