2 - I'll Give You Advice; Don't Listen to Me

105 4 19

POV - ???

I've always been a troublemaker. Whether it be at school, or just at home. Of course, I'm an adult now, so school is pretty much irrelevant. But even in death, I'm still as mischievous as ever.

False alarm? Probably me. Someone injured? Also me. After all, I am a BedWars player! I mean, it literally has "war" in the name. Actually- I was a BedWars player. They don't have it here.

As much as I love to mess with this place, I'm still confused about one thing. I've died plenty of times before, so why am I here now? But whatever, life never made sense anyway.

Of course, I didn't live life with constant scoldings, I had my proud moments too. I won 2, well technically 3 times in this.. tournament thing. I can't remember the name, though. All I do know is, I did make myself a frenemy. Or were they a rival? I don't know.

You've probably guessed who I am by now, right? If you haven't, I'm TanqR. That should ring a bell, unless you've been living under a rock. Hehe, it's just a joke- don't take it too seriously.

Wait, I forgot to say where I even am now... oops. Well, I currently live in what you people would deem "hell." It's not what you would imagine though, in fact, this place is quite comfortable. Maybe that's just because I've been here for some time, but it really isn't that bad.

There's also this little room where you can see the other side. Sounds cool, doesn't it? It's guarded though, so you actually can't do much. I've heard people say that it's possible to cross over, but I like it here. Sure, exploring would be fun, but to be honest... I've actually kind of gotten attached to this place. It just feels right.

I'm not really a softie, but I think the people are what makes this so-called hell feel like home. Everyone has their own unique personality, and so it's likely that you'll find a friend here. Obviously, I like getting on people's nerves, but in the end, it's just pure fun. Wait, what am I even saying!?

You know what? I should tell you about everybody, that way you can understand what I'm saying better.

OK, first person.. Denis. Loves cats, weird face, some other stuff. Yeah, I think that's it.

Just kidding! Did you really think that was the end? No. There's obviously more to this guy. To be honest, he's not even the type of person to be here. Denis is cool, helpful, all the good stuff you want in a friend. Which is why I'm sort of close to him. He also has a reallyyyyyyy big obsession with cats. Even though he's on good terms with everyone, I'm sure there's someone out there who would annoy him.

Honestly, I feel like just starting with the people I actually care more about, so uh.. yeah.

Second is Bandites, who I call "Bald-ites" for fun. Don't get me wrong, he does have hair, but he wears a hat that hides it, and his haircut is absolutely stupid. He has quite the temper, but only around me. Because I make it my mission to annoy him on a daily basis, which gets quite the reaction. Despite that, I honestly don't know what our relationship status is.

OK, that's the end of people I care about. Moving on to the less important people.

Let's see, next person. How about OminousNebula? Yeah, sounds like a good choice.

Ominous is true to his name. Somewhat mysterious, but totally annoying. That little kid doesn't know what's his business and what's not. He most definitely has some secrets though, so that might be hypocritical of him. I don't really know. The "Nebula" part of his name is probably why he wears that galaxy hoodie. Which is a size bigger than what fits him. I think. Oh well, I can't really insult him for his clothing choices. People say that I look "emo," especially with all the black and stuff.

Let's talk about the old grandpa next. His name is ThinkNoodles, but everyone shortens it to "Think." It feels kinda weird to call him that, but who cares. He's a chill guy, which is why nobody looks up to him. We're all rebellious in some way. Although, Think does have his own chaotic side to him, which can only be witnessed when he gets REALLY mad, or in other words, rages. You don't want to see that, I promise. However, when he gets sort of mad, it's like a passive-aggressive reaction.

I've saved the most chaotic for last. Can you guess who it is? Flamingo, duh! Well, actually, his name is Albert, but I guess I'll just switch between the two. When I first met him, he was giving "committed 39,028 crimes" vibes. And guess what? I was right... sort of. Flamingo didn't commit 39,028 crimes.

He commited 39,029 crimes. I was one off! But seriously, this guy is dangerous. Breakfast with him? Disaster. Free time with him around? Chaos. Time to sleep, but he's awake? Suffer insomnia. Truly, Albert was made for Hell. I'm sure he'd traumatize little children if there were any around here. In conclusion, Flamingo is the definition of destruction. Which is... actually, I don't know if that's good or bad.

Welp, that's it for the boys. Moving on to the girls, starting with Leah Ashe.

Leah might be the sassiest person I've ever met, at least to the boys. She's kinder to the one other girl here, not counting our ruler. Her sassiness is probably why she's here. Leah's outfit is also very, very pink. In fact, she says that she's known as the queen of pink, which isn't that cool, but oh well. Some people get excited over the littlest things. 

However, she really can get on my nerves sometimes. Leah always acts like she's better than everyone else, and walks like a fashion model. How crazy is that!? Honestly, she might even have an attitude worse than mine. And that's saying a lot, because my parents would call me stubborn ALL THE TIME.

Ok, that's enough slander for today. Anyways, the other girl who's here is named Megan. I think the best word to describe her would be "airheaded." She's the type of person to do something before thinking, and then cause a disaster. What a way to get yourself here... being too dumb. Wow. Megan also likes peaches, which is reasonable. They taste pretty good. I don't know, there's just not much to say about her. Well, there's one more thing. She looks innocent, acts innocent, results not-so innocent. There you go! Megan in a nutshell.

And now, the grand finale! Our ruler, queen, empress, whatever you want to call her... SabrinaBrite! But I'll just shorten it to Sabrina. It's fine. For someone who's in charge of a whole entire community, she interacts with all of us pretty well. Think of her as the cool aunt who always gets you presents everytime you see her. However, a ordinary person would probably get scared of her, because Sabrina radiates this intimidating aura. Of course, she's actually not very scary, unless you screw up pretty badly.

Hey, did I tell you that there's some guy in the border room? Probably not, because he's completely irrelevant to my life. I have never interacted with him ever. Or have I? Meh, who cares. I'm not going to tell you about him, I just wanted to notify you of his existence. The others say that he's sort of cheesy, so us talking is not happening anytime soon.

All of this explaining is tiring me out. I think I'm going to take a rest now. Guess the silly pranks I have in mind will have to be done another day...

I'm so bored, nothing fun has happened lately... But maybe that'll change soon.


word count - 1297 words

5/14/24 edit: changed Bandites' description after thinking about it for a while

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