4 - Keep Waiting, Maybe It'll Happen

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POV - PinkLeaf

I stared at the ceiling, not knowing what to do. My brain was still processing everything that happened yesterday. Luckily, I didn't get in trouble for it, because DJ didn't have the heart to rat me out. He just gave me a long talk and review of the rules, then let me go. Good thing nothing else happened... who knows what could've happened to me.

Obviously, I'd get in tons of trouble if I did that again. But after that encounter, I feel... more confident? Like something just awakened in me. The feeling that I can keep moving forward with my dreams. I know it sounds kind of sappy, but it's the truth.

Ah, who am I kidding? Just because I met one of the demons doesn't mean it'd be easier to go over there. I'm not even friends with the guy! In fact, half of our conversation was about insulting eachother! If that doesn't say anything, I don't know what does.

Tired of laying in my bed, I got up and was about to exit the dorm when the door opened. A familiar red and black hat popped in, along with slightly messy brown hair.

"Ah, PinkLeaf? You're still here? It's been hours since lunch," Kreek asked, a little surprised.

"I don't have much to do. But I'm going to guess you need something? You never come in here during the day," I replied.

"I just need a pen for uh- stuff. Bella says you keep a lot in this drawer, right?"

"Yeah, I write often. And I sometimes let Bella use them for pranks too."

"Okay. Just making sure."

I watched as Kreek looked through the drawer, throwing the colors he didn't need. It was interesting to say the least. More and more pens were being thrown everywhere... that's gonna be hard to clean up.

"Alright, I have to go now! See you later!" He smiled at me, then quickly ran off. I wonder why he's in such a rush? Oh well, it's not really my business.

Speaking of business, I decided to go out to see what everyone was doing today. Either they're all stirring up chaos, or in their own little world. I don't know, it's about as predictable as what happens during the nighttime. Which is not at all, for your information. One day could be someone's dorm on fire, and the next could be a wild party.

Today was a day that fell in between. I saw what Kreek was planning to do with the pens, and that was to draw on Calixo's face. Imagine when he wakes up and sees that he has a purple mustache... hilarious! However, the girls (and Jayingee for some reason) were all huddled up together in a circle. Whatever they're planning is probably... cringe-worthy.

Oh yeah, and Lego was there too. I'm pretty sure he was eavesdropping on their conversation. But it's never JUST eavesdropping. He will find a way to make things chaotic and worse. What's even the point in doing that? Does he enjoy our suffering?? I don't know, because I'm not him. We only know what's truly going on in our brains, not other people's.

Then there was Jackeryz, who was just standing. Literally. Doing nothing other than just standing and breathing air. There wasn't even anyone near him.

So obviously, I approached Jackeryz to make sure he wasn't like, dead while standing or anything. Well, he can't really be dead in this world, but you get the point, right!?

"Hey, Jackeryz... you good, man?" I asked, tapping his shoulder.

He seemed a little shocked at first, but replied like everything was normal. "O-oh, yeah! Guess staring into the void does some strange stuff to you! Ahaha."

"I'm not gonna even question what made you do that."

"Don't deadpan on me! I was just lonely, y'know? Besides, I'm not the one who disappeared with NO REASON yesterday!"

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