3 - Starting, the First Meet!

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I'm so bored. This is no fun, and I'm running out of ideas... huh? The door to the border room's open, but it's usually closed. Strange, maybe I should check it out.


POV - PinkLeaf

Mornings aren't my favorite. For some reason, I always wake up groggy and tired, and today I woke up even more tired. Am I not sleeping enough? Everyone says that I usually sleep in though.. oh wait, maybe it was the fact that something caught on fire (probably Lego's fault) yesterday, and everyone was screaming.

I know, we're pretty much dead, so why even bother? I don't know how, but we still need to follow a regular routine, which includes eating and sleeping. Basically, life here is like any other, except you're more immune to injuries, and have the ability to fly. Not very exciting, in fact, I'd rather be alive.

Anyways, after almost faceplanting into a bowl of cereal, I decided to hang out with Bella. She was free for the day, and Jackeryz was off to go do who-knows-what. Probably out over-estimating his skills again. What a guy.

Usually, I'd go and do some parkour or obstacle courses, but I just felt really... dead. Like I just ran 10 miles in an hour. Meanwhile, Bella was full of energy and overhyped, like she just chugged 27 cans of soda! And, she was blabbering a ton about watermelon and what games we should play. Bella normally acts like she drank 6 cans of soda.. jeez.

My thoughts were interrupted by her shaking me like crazy. "Hellooooo? Earth to PinkLeaf! Are you there?"

"Wha-! Yes, yes I'm here...! I got lost in thought," I clutched my head.

"Good thing! You looked like a zombie!" Bella laughed. "Did you even hear what they said?"

"No. Who said what? What happened?" I asked in confusion.

She looks at me with surprise. "You didn't even see it!? Well, first, I was just rambling about stuff, and then Kreek and Jayingee ran past us. I think they were screaming something about the wrath of bananas."

Wrath of bananas? Must be referring to Sanna. What did Jayingee and Kreek even do to aggravate her? Well, knowing them, they were probably just doing what they thought as "normal," and Sanna so happened to be standing there. That girl is quite irritable.

"Oh. That would have been a sight."

"Atleast you can still understand stuff. Yeah, it was a sight."

"Are you assuming that I instantly became dumb, because I'm really tired...?"

Bella looked to the side sheepishly. "I mean, it does happen a lot.."

She snickers and then starts laughing hysterically, while I immediately start questioning my choices in life. Suddenly, I see a shadow looming over me. Turning around, I see who it is.

It was Lego. "Are you guys done? It's time for lunch," he said, then walked away in silence. Strange guy.

I stood up. "Come on, Bella. We should go."

"ALREADY AHEAD OF YOU!!" she yells from really far in front of me.

I took like, twice as much time it would take me on a normal day to reach the dining area, or actually maybe 1.5x as much. Okay, now I'm not sure, but I was definitely slower.

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