10 - What Is Reality, Anyway? Oh, It's Written Here.

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WARNING: Short, but described gore at the start.

POV - TanqR

I opened my eyes and immediately felt my stomach twist. There were just puddles of blood on the floor, mixing with small but noticeable tears. It was sickening to look at, the remains of my dinner threatening to come up and out.

The blood made a trail which led to a severed head, its face filled with shock. The now headless body, freed of the ropes that bind its arms and legs, reluctantly stepped over to pick the head up. It hurt just to look at.

Everyone's reaction differed. PinkLeaf stood frozen in place with tears rolling down his face, dropping the sword. Sabrina's face was blank. I couldn't tell if she felt guilty or not. Then there was Bella, holding her own head. Her expression? A face of betrayal and sadness.

It stayed silent for a few moments, until PinkLeaf suddenly lunged at Sabrina with the Sword of Healing in his hand.

"I'm not letting you get away with this, you freaking manipulator! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" he screamed.

Sabrina didn't say anything and dodged his attacks effortlessly, even though she was being pinned down. Then she grabbed her sword from PinkLeaf and made a cut on his cheek.

He put his hand to his face, blood trickling from the wound and teary-eyed. "...You really are the devil, huh?"

"That's my role, yes," Sabrina said.

With that, PinkLeaf stopped holding back on the outburst that was crying a waterfall and ran right past me.

"Wait!" I yelled at him.

"Don't talk to me!" he screamed.

I did want to leave him alone, so I stood there in silence while he ran away. Once he was out of sight, I ran to my bedroom. It wasn't a surprise that PinkLeaf was in there, sitting on the floor and staring blankly at a pillow. 

I crouched down next to him. "Hey, I'm sorry about... y'know."

"I don't want to talk about it," PinkLeaf turned away.

"Seriously, I'm sorry for not giving you the reassurance you needed to defend your friend."

"You don't have to apologize. Sabrina's intimidating."

"'Leaf, I just want you to know that I do care abou-"

He put his hand up. "Go to sleep, TanqR. I don't want to deal with this anymore."

"If that's what you want. Moping around isn't going to reverse the past though," I sighed.

There was no answer. I climbed onto my bed and buried myself under pillows and a blanket. What was this feeling? Guilt, probably. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than for tomorrow to be a normal day.

But there was no way that would happen.


POV - PinkLeaf

The morning came, but the sunlight didn't seem to shine as bright. That uncomfortable feeling in my stomach made me feel tense. I groaned. I thought that I could just... sleep it away? But it was hard to, especially when the events from the day before haunted my mind.

I blinked to get my eyes adjusted to the light. Again, there was nobody else but me in the room. I was about to walk out, until a little bag near the door caught my eye.

It was attached to a note, which read:

You missed breakfast, 'Leaf. Heavy sleeper, aren't you? There's a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I hope you're not allergic to peanuts or fruit.

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