6 - A Plummet Into Darkness

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POV - PinkLeaf

These days, I was extremely energized. Knowing that I had someone by my side made me way more confident! It was just like back in the day, when my talent for parkour was finally recognized. The praise and awards motivated me even more.

It quickly got tiring though. Just like now. As more days passed by with the border room being closed or DJ being on patrol, I was starting to lose hope. At this rate, I'd forget all about my plan by the time nobody was there. TanqR would probably forget even quicker too. I mean—I created the plan! I'm just a stranger anyway... why would the plan be important to him?

The more negative thoughts I had, the more my chest hurt. But I couldn't lose hope so quickly!  There was some genuineness in his voice, I swear! 

I also tried to comfort myself with the little bit of fun we had. Actually, maybe I was the one having fun. TanqR seemed pretty embarrassed. I still wonder what happened. Hopefully it wasn't anything like what I was imagining.

My face probably looked gloomier (which is how it would look if I wasn't so confident recently), since Bella walked over to me.

"Hey, PinkLeaf! What's up? You look different," she asked, slightly worried.

"Different? This is how I normally look," I tilted my head in confusion.

"Dude. You've been so bright these past few days."

"Yeah. I know."

Bella sighed in exasperation. "My point is, WHAT made you go back to your normal gloomy face?!"

I sat there in silence. I couldn't answer. Not because my throat hurt or anything, but... well, it's obvious! Everyone knew about my ambitions, but not my meetings with that guy or whatsoever. If they did, I'd be dead meat. Literally. Trust me, being dead meat is not fun at all.

So I ended up something really stupid like, "Uhhh... the happiness wore off?"

Thankfully, it was enough for Bella to believe. I mean, it's actually truthful if you think about it.

"Strange answer, but ok? I'll get going now." 

She walked away, and I immediately did the flop. Why does this sort of stuff have to be so hard?! With no choice, I decided to walk back to my dorm. It holds about 2-4 people, so there was a chance somebody was in there. Fortunately, nobody was.

But when I walked in, I realized something. I didn't know what to do. You see, I'm the type of person who has to be doing something or else I'd get bored to death. And no, I wasn't going to stare at the ceiling again. That makes you go a little crazy after. However, I'm already crazy, so it didn't affect me much.

I stared at a backpack in the corner of the room. Nobody ever used it, so it was insanely dusty. I went over to it and dusted it off. An idea immediately popped into my head.

If I was going to go over to the other side, it would be a good idea to pack some stuff. It's kind of like moving! Some part of me was telling me that there was no point, especially at this rate. But hey, it's good to be prepared. 

The necessities were packed first, like an extra pair of clothes (it's just a copy of my regular outfit, don't judge me) and other bathroom stuff. I also put in one bag of snacks, because who knows if they have the same stuff in Hell? And I'm not even a snack person. What was going on in my mind?

Then the other stuff was just for fun, or my sort-of-necessary possessions. Which is just my notebook and nothing else. I was about to put it in, but the sound of the door opening immediately startled me. In a panic, I reached my hand into the drawer, grabbed the first thing that felt like a book and stuffed it in.

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