7 - Show Me Your True Potential!

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POV - TanqR

As I stared at Sabrina, my only thought was that we were doomed. Damn it! I was too confident and didn't prepare for the scenario in which we would get caught! Which was our situation at that moment.

I glanced over at PinkLeaf, and he looked like he just saw a ghost. To be honest, I would too if I was in his place. Why, just why, does timing hate me!? I wanted to jump into a ditch and die for the second time. I mean the dying part, not the jumping into the ditch.

"So, do any of you care to explain?" Sabrina smiled, but it was a menacing one.

PinkLeaf elbowed me. Guess he didn't want to talk, BUT I DIDN'T EITHER!!! We couldn't just stand there in silence, though. My brain was in full panic mode, so I said the most stupid answer I could've possibly said.


And then we ended up in the so-called throne room. It's just called that because Sabrina always stays in it, there's no actual throne. The only thing that occupied my thoughts was: "I want to get out of here." Because I really did. I think PinkLeaf was feeling the same as well, since he was shaking like crazy.

"Look, you two. If you've made it to this point, you're actually lucky."

"Huh?" we both said in unison, somehow.

"In normal circumstances, I would've blasted you two to bits. Especially him," she stopped to stare at PinkLeaf, "But I got curious."

"W-what do you mean by that?" he asked shakily.

"Well, it's obvious why a demon would want to cross over to Heaven. It's not when an angel would want to cross over to Hell. And when someone HELPS them."

That had me thinking. It had never crossed my mind why PinkLeaf would want to come here. There was no point. I guess I was caught up in the excitement at the time. Then I looked over at him and he looked like he didn't know either.

"I'm waiting for an answer."

PinkLeaf looked down at his legs, trembling. "...I don't know."

"Can't explain yourself, huh? Well then, I guess I'll just have to do something with y-"

"WAIT!" I yelled. The survival instincts were probably kicking in.

"Hm? What would you like to say, TanqR?" The use of my name scared me for some reason.

"What about this!? We'll show that we're worthy of not being blasted to bits! Especially the angel!" When I said this, if it was possible, PinkLeaf's face went even paler.

"Hold up! You can't actually want to-" he got interrupted.

But my idea already got to Sabrina's head. She grinned mischievously and rested her head on her hand. I knew something big was about to happen.

"If that's what you wish! The deal's on. Prove yourself, and you're not going to spend the rest of your life being tortured, heh," she got up and gestured for us to follow.

Sometimes, Sabrina reminded me of myself. Just more scary. I didn't think I was intimidating, at least to people who knew me. Or maybe that's because they're Hell people, like me. Eh, whatever.

As we walked into this training room (fighting arena, maybe?) my legs felt like jello. Why was I so scared? I'm TanqR, after all! The guy who's confident as heck! I put on a brave face, even though I felt a little trembly. Okay, maybe it was because I was in a life or "death" situation. You know what? I'm not going to even think about it anymore. I'm too confused.

Turns out, I didn't have to worry at all. When we got into the room, Sabrina pushed me aside and basically kicked PinkLeaf towards a dummy-that he crashed his head into. Then he screamed "OWWWWWW!!" and a curse word, which I wasn't expecting at all.

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