5 - WHAAAAT?! Something That's Actually Exciting?!

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Okay! My heart's telling me this is the perfect time, and I heard there's going to be a meeting today! Hopefully someone's there. Now, all I have to do is walk into that room...


POV - TanqR

I put away my plate with a sigh. Everyone talked the living hell out of me, since I'd recovered from the other day. Like, I definitely don't feel so crappy anymore, but it's not like a waffle and some yogurt's gonna give me a ton of energy! I guess it was still good, though.

The tiredness didn't affect my ability to focus, though. I could list every topic I heard people talk about. How the breakfast tasted, latest trends, what to do today, how I'm doing... wait, how I'm doing? Snapped out of my thoughts, I turned around only to be faced with the one and only old man, ThinkNoodles.

"TanqR, you're spacing out. You ok?" he asked, with a slight hint of worry in his voice.

"I'm fine, sheesh. Just trying to block out all of the noise."

"I thought you often joined in on these conversations, so what's with the sudden change?"

"Not with these idiots around! They keep changing topics, and it's tiring!" I yelled, which basically made the whole table go silent.

Denis was first to respond. "Dude.. are you ok?"

"Don't worry, that's just TanqR being TanqR. Anger issues!" Ominous snickered. I shot him a glare.

"You're so childish, Ominous. Get a life or something," Leah sighed.

"And you have no sense of humor. I don't think I'm the one who needs a life, Leah."

Then they started bickering, while Megan looked back and forth between them. I was mentally eating popcorn, and I'm pretty sure the others were too. To be honest, I wasn't on anyone's side, but I still cheered to keep up with everyone else. Eventually, they both gave up and stormed away from the table. I decided that I should get up, too.

My plan for the day: catch up on my pranks. First, I headed to Bandites' room, because he was my favorite victim- I mean um.. friend. Yeah, friend. I had to sneak in undetected, steal his hat, then hide it somewhere so that he wouldn't be able to find it.

You may think, "Wait, does this have to do with the Bald-ites joke?" The answer is, kind of. Much to my disappointment, Bandites is not actually bald. Except he has such a bad haircut, that people would react to it the same as if he was bald. My goal was to expose that ridiculous thing on his head. Ok, maybe it isn't THAT bad (otherwise I wouldn't even go near him), but I live for the reaction.

Luckily, our bedrooms (with bathrooms connected, but let's not talk about that) don't require any passcodes or anything. If you ask me, that's a HUGE design flaw. But we can still put on locks or anything to ensure security, so I guess there's not much to be mad about. It's not like people robbing our stuff's going to be fatal, either... why am I even contradicting myself?

Oh, wait. I forgot to mention that Bandites often sleeps in and ends up missing breakfast. So if my plan seemed dumb to you once you really thought about it, I have justifications! Anyways, he was sleeping so peacefully, he almost looked dead. And the hat was sitting on the drawer. Perfect! Except he woke up the second I grabbed it, and was at my neck even quicker.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Um- checking up on you, of course!" I was never good at lying, which is probably one of the worst traits I can have as a troublemaker.

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