8 - Out with the Old, and In with the New

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POV - PinkLeaf

When I woke up, the first thing I felt was immediate discomfort. What the heck... oh, right. I was sleeping on the floor with a singular pillow to accompany me. Great.

I sat up, looking around because I basically forgot everything that happened yesterday. Where was I? This room wasn't that familiar.

And then all of the memories started flooding back into my head at once. I was in Hell right now. My plan had worked, but at the price of my legs and mind. But not in that way! The ruler, Sabrina, put me (and TanqR, but he did pretty much nothing) through a series of trials to prove my worth.

To be honest, it wasn't that exciting. I mean, I almost got burned to a crisp during the parkour course. And the rest was more boring than staring at a fly on the wall for 3 hours straight.

People here aren't much different than the people back in Heaven. They love chaos and laugh at the wackiest things ever. Their humor is definitely darker, though. Like, who laughs at others almost dying? Wait, actually, forget everything I just said.

I haven't met much people from here. So I guess my views of them are kind of flawed. Knowing that, I walked into the bathroom connected to the bedroom. Hopefully I was allowed to be in there, because where else was I supposed to do my morning routine?

Once I took out some things from my backpack, I brushed my teeth and splashed my face with a heck ton of cold water, which sort of helped with my tiredness. Then I looked in the mirror just to make sure my hair didn't look like a rat's nest or something.

And when that was done, I went outside to figure out where everyone was eating breakfast. After all, it must be the morning, right? Unless I overslept. On my first full day of being in Hell.

Thankfully, I did not oversleep. After wandering around with no directions and getting lost in return, I finally found the area where breakfast was happening. It was so, so crowded! Well, it really wasn't, but man. It was loud as a playground full of little kids.

I scanned the crowd for TanqR and found him clinging onto that Bandites guy from yesterday. They made me smile a bit, goofing off like that. Although, I think TanqR was the one having fun because Bandites looked dead inside, and his face was that of someone who hadn't slept in days. I hope that wasn't true.

I walked over to them, trying not to notice all of the people staring at me. I mean, they had a good reason to be staring. Like, this is Hell and there's an angel who just pops in. How normal.

"Hey, what are you guys doing?" I asked casually. Okay, maybe not so casually.

"Oh hey, PinkLeaf! It's just normal breakfast stuff, that's all," TanqR grinned.

Bandites huffed. "No, this is not normal breakfast stuff. And you, angel, what do you think you're doing standing there like you don't stand out like a sore thumb?"

"First things first, I have a name. And second, yes I do notice that everyone's staring at me," I crossed my arms, "But I wanted to talk to the people I kind of know."

"Already treating us as if we were your friends? Huh. You're surprising, 'Leaf-" TanqR suddenly frowned.

I turned around to see some guy (around my age?) behind me. He had a galaxy hoodie on and a black hat on top of their head. The person also had a smile on their face, but it was one of mischief.

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