8. Kiss You All Over

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Kiss You All Over - Exile

"All day I've been thinkin' about you, babe
You're my one desire
Gonna wrap my arms around you
And hold you close to me
Oh, babe I want to taste your lips"

When Olga picked us up from the airport my nerves escalated. It was like I had finally understood what this all meant. I had blindly said yes because it's my childhood team and although I never doubted in the slightest, my hands became sweaty and cold in anticipation.

"Hace cuanto tiempo no te veía Ona, te extrañaba por acá." Olga had tried to make small talk with me but Alexia had gently tapped her girlfriend's thigh to make her meet her concerned gaze. She had picked up my sudden jitters.

Of course she did.

I smiled at the both of them for different reasons, knowing full well we'll be laughing at this in their home a few hours later. Olga drove us to the training ground and in the meantime Alexia filled the deafening silence with some music and her not so funny anecdote from this morning.

Either way, her girlfriend laughed at her as if Ale had just told the most hilarious joke in the world. It became evident, even on the first couple of months, that they were made for each-other for Olga would bring the softest side in the cold blooded footballer's worst moments.

I was actually a little envious of their love for one another, but don't tell them that. They spoil me as if I was their daughter and for that I will be forever grateful.

"Pequeña, we are here." Alexia's subtle voice made me eagerly look out the Cupra's gigantic window.

In front of us, if I dodge Mapi's bouncing head, I could see the main building of the Cuitat Sportiva adorned with the Barcelona crest on one of its towers. It appeared to shine due to the sun and a sudden shiver run through my spine.

I was really here

I had seen so many photographs of it. I had so many dreams about this place that being here felt unreal. Without realizing my mind slipped to the first time I voiced my dream about playing for this team and the encouragement my parents didn't doubt on giving me.

Sitting in my living room after hurrying up from training, I watched how the women's first team played their first ever match in the majestic Camp Nou. My eyes grew bigger as I saw a younger version of Alexia score a goal that would pave the way for a team full of glory.

She kissed the crest, for her passion for the club never trembled. I did too. Wearing my faded Messi's jersey I grabbed the fabric and brought it to my lips. Looking at it as chants emerged from the television, I kissed the badge that I would forever seek.

"Sabes papá, I'll play there one day." I remember saying while the match restarted once again. My dad was sitting on the couch with me looking attentively as I performed what would -years from that moment- be my signature celebration reserved only for the blaugrana crowd.

A meaningful badge kiss

"I know you will. You better save us the best seats on the stadium."

Although I tried to hide it, a couple of tears fell across my face and sobs became evident on a car full of concerned eyes. One of Mapi's hand grabbed my own while the other, the one with those little tattoos that always made me smile, wiped away the traces of my remembering.

"Come on pequeña, the last thing you want are puffy eyes in your picture." Alexia's not so encouraging words worked as when I exited the car my tears stopped and there was almost no evidence them.

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