Chapter One

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"I got it!" Winter shouted as I crumpled up another piece of paper and threw it at Ally.
"Let's hear it," I said.
"We start our own clique. We have you, everybody knows you can give Gia a run for her money. So, when we take you, a Queen Bee, Alex, a slightly less popular, a few of his friends, see if Lex and Marissa would rather follow you or Gia, and me, we have a group to rival Gia." She told me. We had been trying to figure out what to do about this for weeks, her, Ally, and I.
"You totally saved my ass! School starts tomorrow! I'm saved! I need an outfit. Scratch that I need a new wardrobe. I'm not being that slut again." I laughed at the memory.
"Can't you just wear your old wardrobe?" Ally asked me.
"I don't wanna go completely back to that, I don't wanna be average either. This is high school, and our clique needs a look." I told them. Then I grabbed my phone to send Alex a text, but I already had a message waiting for me.
From Gia: watch ur back 2morrow, bitch
I ignored the text and sent Alex one
To Alex: meet me outside we're going to the mall. I'll explain on the way.
"To the mall we go!" I said
"Ally can you drive us?" I asked. I really didn't want to have to go with mom and have her ask a hundred and twelve questions.
"Yeah, but I wanna come shopping. Tony's having a guy's day so I'm bored." She said.
"Deal." I told her and we shook as Winter laughed.
Alex was waiting right outside like I told him to be.
"Hey Sum," he said as he climbed into the car and gave me a kiss.
"And Winter!" Winter added. Alex laughed and waved hello to her and Ally.
On the ride to the mall I filled Alex in on Winter's brilliant idea.
"So now we're going to the mall to discover our style," I finished.
We got to the mall and Ally grabbed a close parking spot. First we shopped for Winter, she needed the most. We got her makeup, but only the natural look. I bought some natural makeup for myself too, I didn't plan to paint my face this year.
Next we got Winter some new clothes. She had to ditch the little girl clothes with the unicorns on them. And finally, we left Alex in the food court with Ally and Winter and I went to get Winter some bras that fit. She hadn't gotten new ones in years.
"Can we eat something puh-lease?" Alex begged when we met him back in the food court.
"Why didn't you eat while Winter and I were shopping?" I asked him.
"I-uh-um-well, you see," he mumbled.
"Just go eat," I laughed at my boyfriend. Alex and I had been together almost six months now. Tomorrow was our six monthaversary. How ironic tomorrow was also our first day of high school.
As Alex noisily munched his pepperoni pizza, our favorite, I absentmindedly chewed on mine and thought. What did Gia have up her sleeve for tomorrow? That reminded me, I still had to text Lex and Marissa. I pulled out my phone.
To Lex, Marissa: hey it's time to pick a side. Me or Gia?
I kept in touch with the girls over the summer and now it was time for them to decide where their loyalties lied. With the bad girl they've known longer or the good girl they haven't known as long? I've told them what Gia said to me, I can only hope the believed it.
From Lex: I'm with you <3
Lex, check. That brought us to me, Winter, Alex, Lex, and Alex's best friend.
We went home and since it was getting late I headed to bed. I didn't want to be tired on my first day of high school!
Alarm clocks should be illegal. Especially if your going from a wake-up-at-ten schedule to a wake-up-at-six schedule. But I soon snapped out of my drowsiness when I remembered it was the first day of school. I found it kind of funny that it was also the last day of summer, too. The first thing I did was check my phone to see if Marissa ever answered.
From Marissa: I'm with Gia, you bitches made the wrong choice.
It was too early to worry about Gia so I quickly ran to shower and put on the outfit I spent all week picking out. Black tight mini-skirt with a beach-bleached pink surfer tee. The kind of tee that is small and tight, but still t-shirt like. Finally, I put a silver thin belt across my waist. My favorite kind of belt. I put on my lucky necklace, a gold chained necklace with a charm that said "forever" on it. It was a present from Alex and I never went a day without it. The way it glittered in the light as I walked made me feel like he was always right next to me. Today of all days I needed him with me.
I did my makeup, very natural, except for the red lipstick. I had a bit of a thing for red lipstick.
I grabbed my baby pink two inch wedges, the ones that had the bottom that looks like it's made of straw and had a cute bow on the peep toe. I was running out the door when my mom called to me,
"Summer! Wait I have to get a picture of my high school girl!"
Ally was standing next to my mother laughing. I stood at the base of the stairs and posed while my mother snapped a picture.
"And so begins the high school years," Ally said as I finally went out the door to catch my bus.

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