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Elena Callaway was written on the plastic band on my wrist as I turned the water at my sink and began furiously rubbing my finger with a ridiculous amount of soap. But still, the ring latched onto my finger and stuck with no hope of being separated from my flesh.

I cursed; I shouldn't have tried to put on the ring that I randomly found at the hallway. It probably belonged to another patient here. After a few minutes trying and got frustrated by it, I began coughing and ended up spitting out blood at the white sink again. Not surprised, I wiped my mouth and gurgled some water before closing the tap. Breathing in as I looked at the mirror, I steeled myself.

I'd say for someone with a fourth stage of lung cancer, I looked pretty damn good.

"Okay. Okay. We're alright," I peptalked myself then pushed the pole that held my portable IV which had been attached to my veins for the last eight months, out of this tiny bathroom that emanated the strong smell of rubbing alcohol. "Ugh. Disgusting," I mumbled to myself.

Limping out of my room, I made my way to the nurse quarters and grinned at them, tapping at one nurse's desk. "Hey, you. Find the owner of this blasted ring yet? I shouldn't have put it on, now it's stuck to my finger. I blamed you for picking on my curiosity."

The plump nurse who had the kindest smile on her face shook her head. "No. Sorry, sweetie. I asked around the wing. No one lost no ring. Tell you what, if no one claims it, I'd say you call dibs on it," Deborah looked around at her coworkers, "We won't tell if you don't."

I sighed. "This ring looks expensive, you know. I bet someone is looking for it. Let me know if you hear anything, yeah, Debs?"

Deborah smiled. "Certainly, Elena. And oh! Have you tried soap?" she suggested as she gestured to the white gem on my index finger.

"I spent ten minutes and half bottle of handwashing soap. No dice," I murmured.

"Oh so you're the one who keeps clogging the damn pipe with soap," commented Michael, the maintenance staff who passed the hall with his cleaning machine, as he gave me his 'ehehehe' laugh.

"Caught me, Mr. Lorenzo," I grinned at him, raising my free hand. He shook his head and grinned good naturedly as he continued his work vacuuming the hospital hallway.

"Oil would work," Debs added.

I nodded. "Yeah," I grinned, "Let's do that before another tumor grow at the tip of my finger and seal my fate to this ring forever."

Deborah giggled at that. "Elena, you are such a morbid patient. Me no like," she shook her finger. Again, my chest felt congested and I involuntarily began to cough. Deb's smile faltered when I didn't stop coughing, but rather doing it with more...gusto. Rather violently, if you will. She walked over her desk and got to my side, noticing the blood on my palm. This time I produced way too much blood, but seeing the wide eyed look on Deb's face, I shook my head, despite the impending doom I felt coming.

Well, shirt.

"It's fine, Debs. It's this hospital strawberry jello-they're absolutely disgus-"

Strength left me. Shadow framed my sight, threatening to consume me. Do you know how it feels when you were about to pass out but know you'd never wake up again? It felt that way, except exactly after I blindly heard Deborah shouting my name and calling for a Code Blue, I found myself walking and walking and walking, until a short statured, dense looking and hairy man bumped into me and shaking me out of my reverie.

"Watch it, lassie," he grumbled before continued walking on his way.

My eyes followed the midget old man, confused by such meeting, but when I looked around, sure enough, there were more things to amaze.

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