Who can I call?

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(Skip this if you don't need warnings and don't like spoilers)

- Mild physical and verbal violence.

A big thank you to all the people who commented my first chapters and encouraged me to go on!

Let me all know what you think again please!
I love reading and interacting with your thoughts and comments .

[Pictures from pintrest]

Friday couldn't come soon enough for both women.

"You look all smiley?" Alberto asked.

"Oh not more than usual.
Just happy with a good job, lovely patients, helpful colleagues and friendly fellow villagers."

"I'm happy with the same stuff but it doesn't bring me much of a smile like yours.
How did things turn out with that blonde woman from the bar?"

"Nothing special, she was a little let's call it... weird."

"It looked like you two were having fun at the bar?
I didn't expect you to..."

"Didn't expect me to what?"

"Well, with women..."

"I am also attracted to women yes, I recently discovered that.
So I have an eye for both men and women.
Is there normally such a sign or something that I should have had so that you would be ablebto see it from me then?"

"No, no, it's just... No, it's good that you're not ashamed of it. I don't have a problem with it" he gestured his hands up.

"Good" she giggled.

"So not the blonde who gave you that smile then?"

"No, I mean, she was a good dancer and kisser.
A very pretty woman to, but at my house it got a bit... awkward."

"Doctor Deluca?" She got a call for a new patient.

Was it wrong that she always hoped it was Ford?
She fels like she was the worst vet ever to hope one of her patients would hurt itself just to see his owner.

"Uh, Carina..." Alberto grabbed her wrist.
"Would you like to have a drink again sometime?"

"Yeah sure."

"After work at Joe's again?"

"Si, I'll see you then."

When she was done she went straight to the bar to enjoy with her colleagues, well that's what she thought. But when she walked in, only Alberto was there.

"Are we the first?"

"The first ones? I only asked you for a drink."

"Oh, I thought we were all going to meet again."

"Sorry, maybe I should have told you."

She ordered her wine and they had a conversation about their studies and work, and she answered his questions he had about her, of which she found there were many.

But in her mind she wasn't 100% there.
Every time the door opened, her eyes wandered to see who was coming in, but it wasn't who she wished it was.

"Carina?" Alberto touched her hand.

"I'm sorry, I...I'm going home.
I'm tired and tomorrow is a new day at work."

"Sure, no problem. I'll walk you to your car."

They packed their things and went outside.

"Thanks for tonight."

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