Why are you doing this?

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I have no experience with these types of situations, luckily...
So I wrote this from thoughts and feelings I think come from it.


"I...I'm sorry" Maya said as she released her grip and took a step back.
"Are you okey?"

"Si si, thank you" Carina replied with a slight embarrassed smile as she brushed some hair back from her face behind her ear.

Most of all, she would have loved to pull Maya even closer and enjoy her firm grip around her.
She felt so protected by the blonde.

Her words, her grip and presence, it felt like nothing or no one could harm her in her company.

But on the other hand, Maya hoped that the sudden touch hadn't brought her back to her bad encounter from the recent evening so she had quickly let go.

Ford now jumped up at Maya and barked for attention.

"Hye Bubs" she knelt down to his height.
"You need to be more careful.
You almost knocked down your sweet vet to the ground."

Ford barked and sat down close to Maya.

"I know you are an enthusiast, but in the future no more unexpected wild randomly jumps on her so that there are no injured ones."

Carina was giggling at how Maya was talking to her dog. It was heart-warming to see how much love she gave completely to her pet.

The way she treated him, everything she provided for him in the house, the time she spent with him and put into him. Ford turned his puppy eyes towards Carina as if he understood what was just told to him.

"It's okay Ford, I forgive you" she tickled his ear.

He straightened him up and barked back at his owner.
Maya threw his ball far away and Ford sprinted after it.
Carina stood with her arms crossed, watching their interactions.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked again, placing her hand on Carina's lower back.

"Yes, thank you. And Maya, I really appreciate everything you did for me this evening."

"No problem really, I hope I can help clear your mind a bit and you feel better."

She ran her hand over her back twice before returning to her activities with Ford.
Carina sighed deeply and as Maya threw the ball away she noticed it.

"If you want to talk..."

Carina sighed deeply again.

"It's just... tomorrow I have to face him again at work" a fear returned to her gaze.

"Carina, if you your not ready for it you don't have to do it. You can stay with me, I'm free tomorrow anyway and you can call in sick."

"I just started to work there, if I already call in sick..."

"Being ill is human, and what happened is not nothing."

Maya noticed water filling Carina's eyes and moved closer to her.

"Hey" she whispered.

Carina's lower lip pouted out a bit.

"Can you... can I..."

"You can ask or say anything to me, Carina" Maya indicated with a look where Carina could already feel it without Maya having to say the words.

"Can I give you a hug?" she asked uncertainly, fidgeting with her fingers.

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