Could it be?

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Some moments together and some moments apart, but thinking and talking about each other.

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[Pictures from pintrest]

Maya left Ford in the yard and they started cleaning up together.

"Ugh, I'm such a loser" Maya mumbled a little too loudly for herself, Carina heard it too.

"It's okay bambina.
Someone once told me: if you don't do anything, you can't do anything wrong and that's the truth.
You better learn something through a lot of mistakes then know nothing cause you don't do or dare anything."

Maya tried to scrape the burnt-on residue from the pan with a spatula, but couldn't get it all loose.

"And this one is for the trash can" she said frustrated and opened the trash can.

"Bambina nooo."

Carina took over the pan and put it next to the other pile of dishes.

She actually thought it was a super cute sight to see how frustrated and embarrassed Maya was by her failed effort, but it was also painful to see how disappointed Maya was in herself and blamed herself for it.

"I'm such a failure" she sighed leaning against the counter and running her hands over her face.

"That's not true, you are not Maya."

She came to her side and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Yes, yes I am! Look at my kitchen" she threw her arms in the air.

"I just wanted to make you a pancake and I can't even do that. Everything is messed up, there's flour everywhere."

She took the packet of remaining flour and raised it into the air, sending another flurry of powder into the air.

"Seriously?" she sighed deeply, tears ready to stream down her face.

She looked at Carina with a disappointed look, who held herself together from bursting out laughing.
Even though she feels bad for Maya, the way some flour flew through the kitchen was funny.

Maya wanted to walk away, disappointed in herself, but Carina held her.

"Hey hey it's okay, everyone has...clumsy moments" she said sympathetically, still suppressing her laughter.

"There's clumsiness and failure.
This is a big failure, I'm a failure."

"No Maya stop saying stuff like that about yourself."

The suppressed laugh was replaced by pain as Maya spoke about herself, she cupped her face between her hands.

"Don't say hard things like that about yourself, you're not a failure.
You're beautiful person Maya, a fantastic person.
And that also shown in, let's call it, this whirlwind that flew through the kitchen" with a small smile.

"Even if what you wanted to do didn't work out, you made the effort to start it and try to do it.
That shows that you are so beautiful inside" she placed a hand on Maya's chest against her heart.

"Just to try something like that is amazing and okey yes, sometimes it doesn't work out the way you wanted it, but that doesn't make you a less beautiful a person. "

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