Chapter Nine: Visiting Day

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"I don't think she's ready" A muffled voice spoke. I didn't recognize it, but on the other hand, the only voices I would recognize at the moment is Spencer's and well yeah.

"She probably isn't. You're probably right, but let's do this anyway"

Next thing I knew, a surprisingly large amount of icecold water hit me like a train. I shot up and gasped. When I looked up I saw two unfamiliar male faces, but as far as I had gotten to know them, I disliked them.

"Good, you're awake" Asher. His arrogant sly self walked in the room just a second after I was brutally woken up. His hair was messy and he was wearing a dark grey T-shirt with black jeans. I hated how he looked so good so early in the morning. He leaned against the doorway, his arms crossed.
"You're wanted in the general room in like, 3 minutes to hurry the hell up, if you will" He finished his sentence with a smirk.

The two other guys chuckled and followed Asher out the door like two most puppies. How pathetic.

My entire body was shivering and out of fear to catch a cold, I didn't hesitate to get up and change. My outfit was simple. Just a grey loose jumper with black ripped skinny jeans and my white converse. I brushed through my hair and applied some eyeliner, mascara and concealer to cover up any visible bags under my eyes.

I grabbed my phone and went out the door. Judging by all of the open doors in the hall, I supposed I was one of the last people to wake up.

The amount of present people in the general room was rather surprising, as I hadn't even realized how many people actually stayed here until this very moment. What I wondered was why everyone had gathered here this early. I glanced at the clock that hung from the wall. 9:00am.

Suddenly, a deep voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I scanned the room to find where the voice came from and spotted a middle aged man speaking into a microphone.

"Goodmorning, everyone!" He was annoyingly awake in my opinion, but judging by the loud 'goodmorning' the crowd was returning, everyone was annoyingly awake. Maybe it was just me who was annoyingly unawake.

"As you've all probably already noticed, today is our weekly visiting day" Cheering. If the term 'visiting day' spoke for itself, I didn't understand the excitement, but that was probably because of my situation. People were getting excited because they were probably seeing their family again. Which made me feel surprisingly sad.

"The guests will be arriving at 11:00am and I'm going to need all of you to be as kind as possible to everyone" He cautiously emphasised the 'everyone'. I could swear he shot a glance at Asher, who was leaning against the wall a couple feet away. "Because the weather is in our advantage today, we are organising a barbeque"

A girl next to me nearly made me shot up by screaming. It took me some serious patience not to shout at her and slap her silly. Don't mess with me in the morning. Instead I just shot her a cautious glare but she didn't notice.

"But, we're expecting help from all of you, and I mean every single person in this room,no excuses, is that understood?" heads nodded and some people even got out a faint 'yes' or 'understood'. I felt like a zombie. I couldn't even nod my head.

"You are all dismissed"

I started walking back to my room but a hand stopped me by pulling my arm. With my skin tingling, I turned around, expecting to be welcomed by Asher's face, but Spencer's kind smile made my skin stop tingling.

"Wow, what's with the frowning? Not happy to see me?" She fake pouthed, making me crack up immediatly. She smiled as well. "Come on, let's go outsidefor a minute"

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