Chapter 4

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     I met who I thought was the most handsome person I ever laid my eyes on. He had the long, dark brown flippy Justin Bieber hair going on. The brown in his eyes was the kind of brown that reminded you of milk chocolate. They were hidden behind a set of glasses, but the glasses fit his face so well. He was awkward, and dorky. I knew the moment I laid eyes on him that if we ever got to hanging out, I would start falling for him.

     I was right, on that aspect at least. Sky was always taking me to do things with her and her friends that were a couple grades above us. These friends of hers had cars, so we were able to do a lot of things. In the midst of all of this, I ended up meeting Braxton. Just like I had said before, I thought he was the most handsome person. He made my anxiety flare when he was around, and I thought that was a good thing.

     We would all usually go to the mall, movies, or out to eat. We were always out on the weekends, and usually all the time after school let out. I started not to hate being in a new town so much. I also started to really like Braxton. Which, for me, was not okay. If love hurts inside your own family, who's to say being in love isn't going to hurt worse?

     Anyways, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's backtrack a moment and talk about how Braxton and I came to be. It wasn't some fairytale falling for each other. It was just normal hangout sessions. Then, those quickly became makeout sessions.

     One day, we were hanging out in the back of his Jeep just cuddling. My head was on his chest, his coat wrapped around me because it was freezing. I didn't want to be in my house. I didn't care how cold it was out. My parents were just not who I wanted to be around that day. I remember him tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. He looked into my eyes and said those five words, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

     "Yes, definitely. I was waiting for you to ask." I couldn't stop smiling for the next week. Who knew that me coming to a new town would make me so happy? That one single boy could make me feel like moving away from all my friends was worth it. I was happy, I was content.

     We became inseparable. We would see each other in between classes, sneak out to 'use the restroom' during class just to see each other. The classes that we had together were even worse because we couldn't stop staring at each other. I thought he was perfect. I thought he would be the one I married and started a family with. With everything in me, that is what I wanted.

     Things don't always turn out how you want them, though. See, everything was fine for the first one or two months. Then the sketchy stuff started to happen. Braxton was friends with this set of girls. They didn't care for me much because these girls loved to use Braxton for his car and money, or should I say mommy's money.

     So, whenever we started dating, obviously the less he gave them. He used to be at their beck and call for whatever they wanted. A ride, money, food, you name it. Notice I said, the less he gave them, though. He didn't stop completely, but I let it go because I trusted him. I trusted that I would always come first before random girls that just wanted to use him. I was wrong.

     One night, we were laying there in the dark just talking about life. All the things in the world that we wanted, where we wanted to go, what we wanted to be after we graduated high school. I haven't been able to talk to anyone like this, ever. Here I was doing what I wanted to do with someone for years. While I was listening to him, I was falling even more in love. Maybe my first love will be my last love. Maybe I will be one of those lucky people that get to marry my high school sweetheart.

     Just as I was about to ask him if maybe he thought he would marry me one day, his phone rang. He grabbed it and I saw the contact picture on his phone. Lacey. She's the 'ringleader' I guess you could say of the group of girls I was talking about. If you have ever watched the movie Mean girls, that's basically what their group is. They act like they run the school and they get whatever they want.

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