Chapter 8

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                                                                           Five Months Later...

     It's been five months since everything happened. Honestly, I'm doing a lot better. I really thought my mental health was going to deteriorate, but Sky helped me a lot. She was there in the halls when I felt everyone staring. She was there when Braxton tried to come talk to me. She was there when my parents were all strung out and I couldn't handle it, because I was dealing with my own stuff.

     If it wasn't for Sky, I don't know what I would have done. I know I would have eventually gotten through it on my own, but not for a very long time. Sky kind of helped get a kickstart on that for me. I'd probably still be down and sad right now if it wasn't for her; but she helped me realize a lot.

     I don't know why it took Sky giving me a pep talk for me to realize everything that she said, but either way she's right. I am way too good for him. He will probably do that to every girl he will ever be in a relationship with. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Isn't that right? I would have tried to give him the universe and he couldn't even stay loyal. Hard pass.

     I have to give Sky credit for everything, though. While trying to be by my side the entire time, she also has gotten a love life on her own in the mix. April. Crazy, right? They're open and everything. I love everything about their relationship. April makes Sky happy and that's all that matters.

     At first they tried to keep it lowkey. Mostly for my sake. She didn't want me to be upset that she was happy with someone while the last person I was with was a douchebag. I reassured her that one of us should at least get to be happy. I wasn't bitter about their relationship at all. I just didn't want Sky to have to hide her happiness anymore.

     In the mix of everything, I have been finding myself these past five months. I've been finding things I enjoy doing on my own. I'm also finding things I enjoy doing with friends. When anything is stressful, nature is my go to. To just sit in the middle of some grass, breathe in the natural air. Smelling the fresh cut grass, or the pond from the breeze that just blew. Clearing your head and just being.

     It's also summer here in Virginia finally, and this girl is ready for some outdoor adventure. All I wanna do is be outside. I even ended up picking up a part time job this summer to grab some cash to be able to do things. April, Sky, and I all went and got jobs at our local ice cream shop.

     This summer is going to be amazing and no boy is going to ruin that for me. I love this single life right now. I don't have to worry about being cheated on if I walk away for more than ten minutes. Relationships are overrated anyways.

     I keep telling myself that, but I know all I want is a fairytale relationship. I would do anything for someone who could just love me right. That's all I'm asking. I don't want money. I don't want materialistic things bought for me. I just want someone to love me right. Until I can find that, I'm happy making myself happy.

     School let out a week ago and I'm excited that next year is my senior year. I know everyone says to wait to grow up, but I had to grow up a long time ago. At least as an adult, I can do the things I want to do. I don't have to worry about anyone except myself. To say that I'm excited is an understatement.

     I don't know what's going to happen this summer, but I hope it's just a really good one. I'm ready for life to start going my way again. I want to be the one person in this family that doesn't get hooked on drugs, and that gets a diploma. I don't need high honors, I just want to graduate.

     I don't want to focus on any boys unless they're absolutely worth it. I really just want my next one to be my last one. I don't know how people go around dating and having fun with it. All I want is stability and to find my person. I know the chances of the next one being my last one is low, but a girl can hope can't she.

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