Chapter 6

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     It's about two hours into the party, and my anxiety has finally dissipated. I'm about six shots in on the pink whitney and two twisted teas in. Sky has vanished somewhere around here trying to get laid, and I've just been following Braxton around like a sad, lost puppy.

     I was never really the party type. My anxiety was always so bad. Braxton on the other hand, is a big party goer. So, I figured if he was with me, what do I have to lose? I can't really embarrass myself with my anxiety since he is the one that I'm dating. I don't have no one to impress except him, and he already knows how I am.

     Tapping on Braxton's shoulder to try and get his attention from his friend Jack, he turns to look at me. "I haven't seen Sky in a while. I'm gonna go see if I can find her and make sure she's okay."

     "Okay baby, just be careful." He kisses my cheek and I leave to attempt to find Sky.

     I know what she is probably doing. I doubt I wanna walk in on anything, but there are some slimy guys in the world and I don't want her to be taken advantage of. She wasn't that drunk when she disappeared but you can't ever be too sure.

     Walking up the steps, someone comes fumbling out of the bathroom. Sky. Her hair is a mess, her lips are swollen and red, and her straps are down off of her dress. I giggle as she bumps into me, trying to escape whoever is behind her. "Taylor! What are you doing?!"

     "What do you mean what am I doing? I came to check up on you. Just wanted to make sure no guys were taking advantage of you."

     Her cheeks flare up red and she starts to stutter a little, "u-uh y-yeah about that.." Just as she was about to finish her sentence, April came out of the bathroom behind her. My jaw drops, I'm actually shocked.

     Everyone in school knows that April is a lesbian. She doesn't hide it, and she makes it known that she hates literally almost every guy. Seeing Sky like this, that's a surprise. I didn't even know she had any interest in girls at all. I can definitely see her and April becoming a thing. Or, this is strictly a hookup.

     Sky looks at me, "Can we talk about this later? I really need a drink."

     "Oh yeah, most definitely." I smile at the both of them and move out of the way so they can make their way downstairs.

     Since I'm up here, I decided to take a look in the bathroom mirror and make sure I still looked okay. Hair still looks good, makeup is actually not messed up, and I didn't spill anything on the outfit. I'd say that's pretty good. Taking one last look, I make my way down the steps to try and find Braxton.

     Ten minutes later, I still haven't found him. I've asked around and apparently no one knows where he went. Maybe I missed him and he went back up to the bathroom. It would make sense, I can't find him down here anywhere. If I wasn't so tipsy, my anxiety would probably be off the charts right now.

     Walking back up the steps, I see that the bathroom door is open. Nope, not in there. Where could he be? Going to walk back down the steps, I stop after I hear noises further down the hall. Maybe he went to go smoke with some friends or something. I'm not even sure whose party this is.

     Getting closer to the door at the end of the hall, my heart starts to sink. Behind the closed door, I hear Braxton. I also hear Lacey. I can feel the tears start to swell in my eyes as I hear Braxton with his low moaning grunt. "Oh, Lacey, you feel so good. Taylor can never know about this."

     This is when I don't understand bpd, borderline personality disorder. Right after he uttered that sentence, it was like something in me snapped. I didn't think about how to go about this, or if there even is a right way to go about it. My mind just feels like it broke in half and I have no sense of who I am anymore.

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