~Just Between us~ Rohul

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3 times Rahul almost called Rohit 'Bhaiya' + 1 time he actually did.

Rahul was silently staring at the screen infront of him. He felt so mentally exhausted. This is not what he needed to see right now but he couldnt stop. So he just kept scrolling.

"Oh please K.L Rahul doesn't even deserve a spot in the squad let alone the playing 11"

"Im sure K.L is the only guy who plays test cricket in t20."

"It is honestly shameful to watch K.L play. Both Rohit and Virat have shown so much faith in him and he cant even re pay them. I for sure would feel so damn guilty if I failed them."

"Even the bowlers from the opposition team can make more runs than K.L Rahul"

He felt like his heart was crumbling. Was he overreacting? Did he really fail Rohit or Virat?

Lock out the voices
Lock out the voices
Lock out the voices.

"Rahuliya?" he heard someone call him from behind.

He quickly closed his tab and looked back to see the voice belonged to Rohit.

"What were you doing?" he asked in sort of a serious tone.

Rahul looked down guiltily. He knew that there was zero point in lying. No matter what he would figure out the truth. So he handed him the tab instead.

After Rohit was done reading he looked at Rahul dissaproving. "Why are you looking at all this?" he asked concerned.

Rahul mumbled something like a vague 'i dont know' and Rohit pulled him in for a hug. Rah was taken aback.

They had a weird bond. They weren't exactly friends but they shared this very auspicious relationship that was almost as if they were family.

"As long as you have us just know onr thing these so called experts don't matter. Please never lose faith in yourself."

"Thank you bha-" bhaiya he was about to say but didn't

Captaincy and Vice captaincy fiasco

There had been a huge misunderstanding regarding the infamous BCCI blunder of the captaincy change which made Rohit Captain and Rahul Vice captain.

Eventhough everything got sorted Rahul could not help but toss and turn in his bed thinking if he could carry the responsibility well enough.

When Rohit was Vice captain he took care of everyone so dearly that it was almost impossible to seperate him from the captain. Every time anyone needed him he was always there. So was Jinks who was the only person after M.S that Rohirat feared.

God it was a blunder to appoint him.

If it was any other situation he would've called Athiya or Virat but for some reason be felt it would be right to call Rohit.

Rohit who was infamous for his sleep picked up within two rings.

"You were awake?"

"Sam wanted to play in the middle of the night. Why are you awake."

he remained quiet. Should he tell him?

"Hello? Rahuliya??"

"Huh. Actually I cant sleep because I think I am going to be a terrible vice captain." he said in one breath.

"What!? Why would you think that. You will be a great Vice captain. All you have to do is be there for other when the captain has too much on his plate. And I know that you are great at taking care of others."

"Sachhi?" (really?)

"Muchhi. Ab chalo Good night." (really. Now come on good night.)

"Good night Bh- Rohit."

The proposal

Rahul barged into the room and asked, "How did you propose to Ritika?"

"Huh?" Ro asked confused " Why do you want to know"

"I think I want to marry Tia." he said

"You think?"

"Not the time Rohit."

"Right. Do you love her?" he asked with a very serious face.

"Obviously. What kind of question is that?"

"Do you know why you want to marry her?" He asked in the same manner

"Of course."

"Then what is the problem just tell her. Look plan a proper date and then pop the question and dont prepare a speech. These things are better when they are spontaneous."

"Okay. Thanks Bh- Rohit."


It was at the day before the Cape town test. The second test after the worst heartbreak of Rohit's life. He was sitting by himself alone in his room. Virat was with the kids. They needed someone. Even after one month Rohit still could not process the loss. That catch of Head still haunted him.

He hadn't noticed when Rahul had taken a seat beside him.


"hmm? oh you."

"Were you expecting someone else?"

"Not really"

" Why is Virat not here?"

"The kids need someone and I cant be there right now."

"And you dont need anyone?"

his tone was low but audible. Rohit sighed.

"What I need right now is to go back in time and change it but thats not possible."

"This is not fair. You can't be such a hypocrite."

Rohit was shocked "What?"

"You cant keep blaming yourself. If anyone really performed well that day that was you. You cant tell us to not blame ourselves and then go on and blame yourself."

He took a deep breath and said

"I know, I might not cling to you like Jassi, Harry, Ishan or Yas. I might not say this often but I love you, bhaiya. This team needs you. I need you."

Rohit smiled a genuine smile. "Does Vi know you called me 'Bhaiya'? "

"No. But I don't mind you telling him"

"Lets keep it just between us. And I love you too Rah."


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