~From Captain...To Captain~ Ro-Multi

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A/n: I tried something new for once and I really hope you like it. bleedblue2011 I hope u will like it.

The first advice Rohit got when he became the Captain of MI was from the one and only Ricky Pointing His ex-captain. He recieved it while sitting on a bench on a tired Tuesday evening.

He was rethinking his career as he was just made the captain. His eyes observed the stars in the sky while his mind was searching for answers. Why him? Why did a multi world cup winning captain give away this captaincy to a mere young and inexperienced player.

The only person he had spoken to after being informed was Jassi. Jassi had been tagging along with Rohit almost everywhere and when he asked, Ro couldn't lie to the kid. It was worth it as he could see Jassi's face bright up with colours. He had never seen the boy so happy.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Pointing Sir asked. Ro was brought back to earth and his face immidiately flushed. He always got this way around Sir. Maybe because he respected him so much.

"Sorry Sir I didn't notice when you came." Ro appologised lowering his eyes. "Don't be Sorry."

After a moment of silence he asked, "Why me, Sir? You have so many ICC trophies, especially World cups as a captain whereas I dont even have one as a player."

"I don't know how to explain this but I see something very special in you. The way you can make youngsters want to fight for you is so truly commendable. I bet you one day you will have youngsters fighting over you." Sir said making Ro laugh a little.

He then put a hand on Ro's shoulder and said, "Just remember one thing when you walk on the field others should sense your power. No matter how scared you are walk in like you own the place. That's one of the main things I learned in my captaincy."

Walk like you own the place, Ro kept it in his mind forever.


The second most important advice Rohit recieved was from his ex-captain cum best friend Virat Kohli. It was a calm day as the storm of the captaincy change had just died down.

Vi was laying on the bed in Ro's room staring blankly at the ceiling, not a thought behind his eyes. Ro was checking social media (something that he wasn't supposed to do). Vi sat straight and peeked in Ro's phone.

"ROHIT GURUNATH SHARMA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Vi screamed making Ro jump out of his skin. Once Ro regained his composure he sat back down and said, "Just uh- surfing on social media."

Vi sighed and in a soft but serius tone asked, "Do you think I am a failed Captain?" Ro was taken aback. "No Vi of course not."

"Well they do. They thought I was arrogant and rude and a failure of a captain. Does what they thought matter to you?" Vi asked his voice still serious. "No." Ro replied

"Thats one thing you have to learn as a captain, you play ninety nine brilliant matches, they will love and adore you but one bad match and you become a failure. You have to learn to not really care." Vi said.

You have to learn to not really care, That was something Ro learned was absolutely right and kept in his mind forever.



he day after 19th November 2023, Rohit Sharma's world changed completely. Everybody moved on and things went on in their own way. But he didn't. He stayed there, in his mind he failed.

The more he tried to forget the more those moments of closeness found their way back to his mind. So close yet so far.

Amidst a thousand unread messages in his inbox there was one he had least expected. A message from New Zealand Captain Kane Williamson.

Ro didn't know why but he opened the message.

Kane Williamson

Hi, I am Kane...I dont know if you've got my number saved. Ik I should write to Virat but I think I can feel you more.
I uh- know that yesterday was the hardest day of your life and having been their once I thought to tell you somethings I wish someone had told me.
Their is going to be a million people saying a million things and eventhough it seems as though the hate would hurt but what hurts more is the sympathy. I would advice forgive yourself first and then look at what others have to say.
Healing is a slow process and is not going to happen anytime soon but remember you are still the national skipper, you have to pick yourself up because an entire nation looks up to you.
If you're reading this you dont have to reply just keep it in your mind.

Ro read the message more than once. It touched somewhere so deep. you have to pick yourself up because an entire nation looks up to you. The words kept ringing in his mind.


For most part of his Captaincy, he has been on the recieving end of advices from other captains. But now Ro was seated in front of Harry, his problem child trying to give him some advice.

"Why didn't you try to stick to one plan Harry, what is going on with you?" Ro asked "Maybe I am just not a good captain." Harry said

"Bullshit Harry, your record as captain speaks different. Its the trolls isn't it?" Ro asked eventhough he knew he was right.

"They think you're not happy because of me-" He was cut off by Ro, "Who the fuck cares what they think?"

"But you are unhappy." Harry mumbled not having the energy to fight with his B-ro.

"Thats not because of you, idiot. Its because for ten years I have given my blood, sweat and tears for this team and I have a few bad seasons and I am no longer useful. It is not your fault that these people can't respect me." Ro said and soon realised it was the first time he said these words aloud.

All through this fiasco he had never told Harry that it wasn't his fault. Maybe all the blame game got it to his kiddo. He sat next to Harry and Harry scooted closer.

"I'll be okay as long as you don't misunderstand me like everyone else. You know I didn't mean to concede 277 runs as a captain." He said in a low voice.

"It is not about your performance Harry. We both know you are better than this. I know its hard to perform under all the pressure and hate. Funny thing some of these trolls online are the ones who were chanting 'Vada pav' on the top of their lungs last season." Ro said.

Harry hummed and after a few minutes he said, "I shouldn't have played that stupid shot. We lost because of me."

Ro sighed, no matter how big a smile Harry displayed on field or in interviews deep down he was scared. "I shouldn't have played that stupid shot in the final either. Is it my fault that we lost?"

"No thats dif-" Harry started but was cut off, "No its not Harry. Let me give you an advice a captain's job is to back players but the first thing he needs to do is back himself."

"You'll always guide me like this. Right bhaiya?" Harry said and Ro smiled as he said "Always."


A/n: Idk abt u guys but the cricket accs that I follow on Insta have been a lil positive abt Hardik and that makes me happy.

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