~Sautan Bane Saheli~ Rohirat/abro

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A/n: I know like this idea is slightly unconventional but I had a dream about this and thought it would be a great one shot idea. All the credit goes to my subconscious mind. Also please for the sake of the story please pretend Faf does not play with Virat.

I have always thought like Ro is the more secure bestfriend and Vi was the more jealous one. So onto the story...

Rohit was standing in front of Vi's house. He had rung the bell twice. He was about to call him when someone opened the door. AB Devilliers . The last person he had expected.

Ab was about to say something when Ro turned around and did what anyone else would do. Called Vi. He picked up after two rings.

"Ha bhai bol." (Yes brother tell)

"Virat Prem Kohli yeh alphabet insan tere ghar pe kya kar raha hai? Why did you invite us together?" (What is this alphabet person doing in your house?)

"Aww teri jali na?" Vi asked mischievously knowing the purpose of the plan worked. (Aww you got jealous, no?)

"So sad Vi, you have to make an entire plan to make me jealous whereas all I have to do is be 5cm near someone who is not you." He said in a super sweet voice.

"If you think you are more secure than me then prove it. Spend the day with biscuit as a challenge." Vi said provocatively.

Uss biscuit ko to me chai mein dubake kha jau. Ro thought.

"Challenge accepted." He said and cut the call.

He turned around and went back in front of the house where Ab was standing in front of the door waiting for him.

"Hi Rohit. Biscuit had told me you'd come actually he had some work with his trainer and had to leave but please do come in. I hope you dont mind me here." Ab said with a smile.

Rohit looked at him sheepishly. Just because he was going to have to spend the entire day with him did not mean he had to act like besties with him. So he nodded and entered the room.

"Please, sit." Ab said keeping the wide smile in the face. "Yeah, I would. You dont have to tell me what to do in my own best friends house." he said rudely and sat down.

Ab's face fell. "Look, since you dont like me I think I should leave. Don't worry, I wont let biscuit know anything."

"Wait, How do you know I don't like you?"

"Its kinda obvious." He said sadly. And that was when Ro felt a pang in his chest. Had be behaved so rudely with Ab that he knew that he disliked him? No correction, he disliked his closeness with Virat. Because it was a little close to impossible to hate Ab.

In a single moment Rohit forgot about the challenge and wanted to redeem himself.

"Why are you being nice to me?" He asked

"Well because I want to be friends with you too." 

"But Why? "

"Well its obvious isn't it. I know we've never played together but I have seen you around your team. You are just so warm and free that I wanted to be a part of the warmth. Only if you let me though."

That was when it hit Rohit. So this is why Vi was so close to him.

"Hmm. I mean it could be but I need to make something clear first. I dont hate you. I hate your closeness to Vi. I hate that you have nicknames for each other. I hate that you guys practically stick to each other all the time. I hate that you are better than me." he said trying to justify his behaviour.

"Please dont say that. One of the primary reason why I want to be your friend because of the way biscuit  lights up when he is talking about you or whenever he is with you. You make that happen. You are his reason to smile."

Hearing that Rohit felt as if he was Paro from Devdas and Ab was Chandramukhi. He mentally giggled at that thought. He regained his composure and aked, "So you dont want to be Vi's best friend?"

Ab laughed and said, "God I love him but no. I already have my Faf."

"Faf is your best friend?"


"Can I ask you something?"He asked hesitantly. "Yeah sure." Ab said. "Does he ever get jealous of your close friendship  with Vi?"

Ab laughed loudly. "Oh my god you would not believe me. He is crazy possessive over me although so am I. So to answer you, yes he does."

"Ok done then. We are friends from now on and I believe you are not of any problem to me regarding Vi further on." he said as if he was closing a business meeting. "Yes sir replied Ab."

Rohit was about to order something for the two of them when Ab paused and said, "Can I call you Ro?"

"But thats not fair is it? I think we should have a nickname too. Wait I have an idea. How about we call each other 'Sautan'?"

"What does that mean?" Ab asked. Rohit slightly smiled. "You call your husband's mistress a 'Sautan'." he explained. "Oh" Ab said and burst out laughing.


Virat had just come out after meeting his trainer. He was extremely happy as he had thought he put Ro up to a challenging day. But he was only upset that he couldn't witness his plight. He had even called Nushkie and told her the news. She had just said, "Oh my god you put both my sautan's together?"

Virat quickly returned home. When he opened the door he was braced with a sight he didn't expect. His mouth was agape staring at what was going on.

Rohit Sharma was giggling and talking to AB DEVILLIERS?!??!??!??!?!?!?!?

Virat.exe had stopped working.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?!?" he exclaimed. And both of them shot up their heads at him.

"Whats wrong I am just talking to my friend. Right sautan?" Rohit said casually.

"Yes my Sautan"



A/n : Please tell me if you liked it.
Also I love reading the comments.

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