~Secrecy~ Rohirat/ shubsara

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A/n: This os is surrounded around Shubsara and I know that a lot of people ship Ishman but hating on Sara is so immature. I mean just because you ship two people it does not give you the authority to hate on anyones real partner. And what is she getting hate for? For supporting her partner? Huh, where have I seen this before?  If any of you dislike Sara then DO. NOT. READ. THIS. Personally I think shipping two people is okay but never at the cost of a third person in the equation.

The feeling was fimiliar. The one that Shubi had been feeling for the past few days. This was unacceptable.

Shubman and Sara had started dating from a few months and they had tried their full best (and failed) to keep it a  secret. There were a thousand different reactions. Some fans were happy, some where busy teasing the couple and the third type which was the worst was the one hating.

They were hating on Sara calling her 'Daddy's money' saying things like she didn't deserve him. But that wasn't true. How could it be? She had been silently supporting him forever, if anything Shub felt like he didn't deserve her.

Even though Sara had said it didn't matter to her and that no matter what she would be there for him. It mattered to him. He couldn't watch his so called fans constantly disrespect the woman he loved.

He needed some advice. He rushed to Rohit Bhaiyas room knowing that Virat Bhaiya would be there too.

Virat and Rohit were in between a conversation when Shubi barged in with a very concerning face. "What happened shubi?" Rohit asked visibly confused.

"Ha bachha whats wrong?" Vi asked. "Everything Bhai." Shubi said as he came in.

"They- They are bullying Sara. They are saying she's not enough. They are blaming her for my mistakes." Shubi said restless.

Rohit and Virat shared a knowing look. All of the Wives and Girlfriends had to go through something like this atleast at some point. That is why there had been some sort of secrecy in their relationships at some point. Some were an open secret, like Virushka, and some were a little more private, like Rohika.

But the backlash? It was the same for everyone. Virat thought about when it had happened to Anushka. It happened again and again. And would have kept on happening if he hadn't taken a stand for her. But he knew at this stage of his relationship it wasn't possible for him to do anything about it because everyone would make everything about his relationship.

"Rohit bhai, it hurts I- I feel like I'm not doing enough for her. She's risking everything to support me, and this is what I'm able to give her in return." he said helplessly.

"Did you talk to her about it?" He asked.

"Yes. She says it is fine but I know that it's not." He paused and continued, "I want to scream to the world, the fact that I love her. I want to but I cant because I dont want her only identity to be my girlfriend."

"Shubi, they say all of this because they are jealous. At the end of the day what really matters is that she is the one you talk to after a long hard day. She is the one you point your bat towards after a century. She is the one who is always gonna be there. She is your constant." Rohit explained.

"Exactly. Opinions change shubi. The same people who dragged Anushka for being in the audience when we lost thw semi final in 2015, were praising her for being the ideal wife when I got my 50th hundred. This wont last for long and trust me if you feel like this is affecting her then go and have a proper conversation about it. Be there for her just like she is for you." Virat said.

"It'll be over soon, right?" Shubi asked hopefully.

"Yes, and when it does get over both of you will look back and laugh about it." Rohit said.

Shubi got his smile back and went to call Sara. "love birds" Vi said with a small laughter.

"C'mon we were all like this once. Its crazy the things you have to do for love." Rohit wondered aloud.

"But in the end all this secrecy pays off in the best way" Vi said and they shared a knowing look.


A/n: This is a short one because I just wrote it to prove a point.
Also I hate maths.
Fuck maths

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