~Never grow up~ Ro Jassi

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Rohit took a deep breath as he looked at the sight in front of him. The knot in his stomach formed again, signalling as if he was missing something, or someone.

Rohit had ravaged all through his mind to look for what or who he was exactly missing but it was of no help. It was just the feeling. He had tried to brush it off many times or to distract himself but every now and then he would feel that way.

Unknown to him an absence had formed in his life, a spot which was once for someone who was very dear to him. But who?

He saw the kids practicing going from here to there to help them out and see if they needed anything. As he was going around he stumbled upon a sight that made his head feel a little heavy and his stomach drop.

Jassi was surrounded by Shubi and Yashu begging him to bowl to them "Bhaiyaaa pleasee" Shubi whined

"Yeah, but why just me?" Jassi asked with his usual smile.

"Because you are the greatest bowler in the world." Yashu claimed

"Agh you guys flatter me." Jassi chuckled and the kids looked offended then Shubi seriously said, "You are the best bowler and the best Bhaiya in the whole world."

At that point Ro's mind shifted completely from the exchange in front of him and travelled back eleven years ago when Jassi was just a youngster.

"Bhaiya can I bowl to you?" Jassi asked with those irresistible puppy eyes of his. He had been following around him for the longest time.

"Yes you can. But why, bachha, why me?" Ro asked curious of the reason why the kid was following him in particular.

"Because you are the best batsman in the world" He said quiet seriously then he added "Best batsman and best Bhaiya."

Ro just ruffled his hair and pulled him in for a hug. God he would take a bullet for this kid.

As he returned to the present time he saw Jassi ruffle the kid's hair and pulled them in a group hug. His heart warmed but some part of it burnt too.

Now, he realised what he had been missing for the past few days. The old Jass, his kiddo.

Maybe some part of Rohit was so used to seeing the possessive and child version of Jassi, he had never really noticed when he himself became a bhaiya. The kid that used to follow him around all the time had two youngsters and an entire bowling unit looking up at him.

He should've proud of his kids maturity, right? But how could he, when he would always look at Jassi as the shy nervous kid who he had taken under his wings. The over possessive kid, who had ruined Harry's favourite Jackets because he had claimed once that he was Rohits kiddo. It was of a huge and unbelievable shock that his little kiddo had grown up now.

Jassi no longer came to his room for random reasons or call him bhaiya in that distinct tone he had. He no longer complained when Ro spent time with other kiddos. Did that mean he didn't need him anymore?

Ro's entire world turned at that thought. He couldn't imagine living without thinking about Jassi or being around Jassi. So, the thought of Jassi not needing him made him want to jump off something.

Rohit somehow managed to survive the practice session without drifting away to the voices in his head or without paying much attention on how his heart could literally explode at any times.


The moment Ro went back to his room he was met with a billion thoughts. He looked back and wondered about all the times when Jassi was young and new to the team.

To him it didnt matter if he had taken the most important wicket of the game he would never give his full smile unless Ro praised him.

Just the mere thought of that Jassi forgetting Rohit made him want to cry. Then for a moment he felt extremely terrible and stupid for acting like that. But it was his heart after all he had no control over it.

A few minutes later when he finally gained his full composure, he called Sakshi bhabi so he could talk to Bhai and look for some comfort there.

"Hello, Ro. How's everything?" Bhai asked and in just hearing his voice Ro found a hope. "Bhai I missed you so much." Ro said his voice desperate. If he could he wouldve entered the phone and hugged Bhai with all his might.

"Aww Ro, after taking care of an entire team of youngsters and your idiot best friend, you still have time to miss me?" Bhai teased. Eventhough he had meant it purely to be a joke, Ro wasn't at the mental condition to understand a joke.

"Please dont say that. At least not in this situation." Ro pleaded his voice weak his eyes threatening to water at any moment.

"What situation? Are you ok Ro?" Bhai asked in a concerned voice. "Bhai, if I ask you something, will you answer it honestly?" Ro asked.

"I'll try." he replied confused about Ro's antics. "Did you feel weird when I became a bhaiya to Jassi? Did it make you feel bad?"

Bhai had no idea where that came from but he still answered, "Ill be honest because you asked me to. Initially it felt a little strange that the same kid who was so nervous to talk to me had adopted a youngster who looked up to him and worshipped the ground he walked in. But I knew no matter how much you grow up for others, you will always be a kid to me."

Ro's voice broke as he said, "Bhai I think Jassi's growing up. He doesn't act- he doesnt- Its not the same anymore and I feel like he doesn't need me any- anymore."

Eventhough the words were jumbled up Bhai understood the feeling behind it.

Ro's vision blurred and the tears finally rolled down his eyes. "Bhaiya" A voice called out. Bhai heard it from the other end of the phone and bid his good bye knowing it'll be fine now.

Ro tried to erase his tears but they just didn't stop. "Bhaiya are you crying?!?! Oh my god! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!? Is everything okay back home?! Bhaiya please answer?!?" Jassi mumbled running towards Rohit.

Ro looked at his concern and just said, "You called ne bhaiya like that after so long" and he just pulled Jassi into a hug. Jass was scared to death.

"Rohit bhaiya please I am so worried, tell me what happened" Jassi asked with a shaky voice.

"I-Its just youve grown up Jassi. You dont need me anymore-" Ro started but before he could finish Jass cut him off

"How could you think that Bhaiya? I love you the same way as I used to. I know I dont show it often nowadays but- but" Jassi could not finish as even he started crying

Rohit put a comforting hand on his shoulder, "Why are you crying?"

"I am crying cause you are crying" He said with tear filled eyes. Ro pulled him in for a hug and they stayed in that hug which felt like forever.

"Bhaiya?" Jassi asked in that hug. "Hmm?" Ro asked now his voice much calmer.

"I still dont mind injuring players if they get too close to you. I will always be your kiddo and you my bhaiya." Jassi said as his tears suppressed to sobs

"Bachha?" Ro called "Hmm?"

"Please try to never grow up."


A/n: I just had the most random urge to write on them. The ogs <3
loveeict ik i said a lil sad but Im sorry pookie💗😭👍

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