More than just A TINY bit of Love

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,,Ah jinjja finally we arrived, my ass hurts like shit!“ Wooyoung complains. ,,Aii Wooyoung watch your language!“ Hongjoong warns him. ,,You act like you‘ve been sitting inside the car for six hours, but it has been only two haha!“ Seonghwa sighs. The eight members get out of their bus and grab their luggage to head inside the log cabin. Well actually the log cabin is the size of a villa and not of a tiny cabin, but okay. Their manager sends them off after explaining that they will have some freetime today and they will meet again tomorrow morning. San hugs Woo from behind and moans satisfiedly in his ear: ,,So.. that means nobody is there to keep an eye on us, you won’t be safe anymore..“ //Gosh.. since he died his hair red yesterday, he looks even more seductive than he does usually..//

,,Ohh, I’m not afraid don’t worry hihi..“ Wooyoung flirts back.

Huh?.. I forgot to tell you what the story is about, right Atinys? So.. our 8 beloved boys travelled to Jeollabuk-do, which is located in the heart of South Korea. San, Wooyoung, Mingi, Yunho, Jongho, Yeosang, Seonghwa and their leader…Uh.. I mean.. captain Hongjoong will stay from today until Sunday in the villa-sized log cabin and enjoy december to it‘s fullest. They will film two special episodes of ‘Wanteez‘, which will be all about Christmas and winter sport. But will these be the only things that will happen?

After they arrived, got their luggage inside the house and took some time to explore their vacation home, Mingi runs exited towards his friends and yells: ,,GUYYYYS!!! They have a sauna here, omg this house is a paradise!“

Keep it calm, Na-Ri.. it’s just hair.. //Shit.. his pink hair turns me more on than I thought..//

,,Whoa! We also have a whirlpool here!!“ Seonghwa shouts from a different corner of the room. Hongjoong approaches him, goes on his very tiptoes and takes a look over his only Hyung‘s shoulder. ,,Wow.. that looks so relaxing, I wish I could dive right in..“ he dreams. Seonghwa turns around and decides to tease his captain. ,,Then simply take of your clothes and jump in..“ Hongjoong laughs and shakes his head: ,,We should.. umm.. decide who will share their room with whom first..“ and runs off. Hwa smiles cheekily and looks at the whirlpool, but decides to go to the other members too. ,,Okay, so who wants to be in a room with whom? Since Wooyoung and San already look determined to share a room, there is just us six left!“ their captain explains. ,,Oh.. I don‘t think it‘s only me who decided already to share his room with a specific person, I mean look at Seonghwa, his eyes are begging you to sleep in his room haha!“ Wooyoung enjoys teasing his oldest Hyung like he always does. Our little angrybird throws a deathly glare towards Woo and exhales slightly pissed off. //Shit.. he is actually right.. is it so obvious that I want to share a bedroom with Hongjoong?//

,,Okay, so Woosan will share a room, Jongho and Yeosang will share one and Mingi sleeps with Yunho.. ehh .. I mean they sleep in the same room.“ Mingi turns his head towards Yunho and sexily wiggles his eyebrows. ,,Did you hear that, my babygirl? I will sleep with you hehe..“ Yun grins at his best friend and pokes his ribs. ,,Try me babyboy..“ he teases him back. All of a sudden, Mingi starts sniffing Yunho’s neck and whispers: ,,Mhh.. You’re wearing the perfume, I got you last year?“ The puppy nods and pats Mingi’s head. //wow.. he smells so good.. I could literally inhale the scent of him all day long..// ,,So, we both will sleep together right or do you want to sleep alone?“ Seonghwa asks his captain. Hongi just shakes his head and takes his luggage upstairs. When Hwa follows him and enters their room, he notices that there is only a king-size bed and not two single beds. He thinks about how uncomfortable Hongjoong must feel just by imagining lying close to him and says: ,,Umm.. I can sleep on the couch downstairs, don‘t worry..“ the moment he wants to turn around to leave the room and go back downstairs, Hongjoong grabs him by his hand. // What was I thinking to grab his hand? Why would I do that? Normally I hate skinship, but why does his skin feel so soft and so warm? Is it because I feel more than friendship towards him?// ,,Umm.. sorry Hyung.. I was just.. I mean, you can sleep here, I will be okay, don‘t worry..“ Hongjoong assures Seonghwa. ,,Is there a reason you keep calling me Hyung these days even when we agreed to drop the honorifics long time ago?“ Ateez oldest member wants to find out. ,,Ehh.. I just like calling you that way just..because.. I respect you and I’m thankful towards you and I cherish every moment I spend with you.. ehh.. and the other members of course ..haha..“ //Gosh.. that must’ve sounded weird to him..// ,,Hihi, cute..But you‘re really sure about that captain?“ Seongwha asks to be sure. Mini-Hong nods. ,,Ok, then let‘s unpack our stuff and enjoy the free time we have until dinner.“

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