A sweet winter's night

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After their kids have disappeared in different directions, Seonghwa takes his captain in his arms and invites him to sit with him in front of the fireplace on the lambskin rug to drink some hot chocolate. Hongjoong who is totally happy about the cute offer, sits down in front of the fireplace. ,,Wait, let me add some wood!" Seongie informs his crush. After pushing two pieces of wood into the fireplace, Ateez's oldest member goes into the kitchen, prepares two hot chocolates. Proudly, he returns and gives his captain a mug. ,,Are you cold, Mini-Hong?" he asks solicitously. Hongjoong shakes his head slightly and admires the blazing flames in the open fireplace. Slowly and unobtrusively, he snuggles up to his only Hyung to rest his head on his shoulder. ,,Isn't it fascinating how the fire goes out completely when it has no more wood to devour?" Seongie asks in an impressed tone. ,,Yes, and that's why we should always make sure there's enough wood, because I don't want the fire to go out. Ever. I'd rather get burned than having to endure the cold that would result if the flames went out..“ Hongjoong confesses in a soft and pure voice.

,,Joongie... what do you mean...?" Seonghwa asks, stuttering and glassy-eyed. Hongjoong looks around to check if his children are really all in other rooms and when he realizes that none of them are in sight, he approaches Seonghwa, presses his lips onto those of him.

(Since when does the wood throw itself into the fire?)

,,Hong-" Hwa is interrupted as Hongjoong deepens the kiss. ,,You had some cream there Hyung, I just wanted to help you clean your face..." Joongie comes up with an extremely implausible yet super cute excuse. //Does he even know that the flames, my lust for more is producing are slowly consuming me?// For a split second Seongie loses his patience and continues to lean over to Hongjoong until he is resting his back on the lambskin placed directly in front of the fireplace. ,,I can‘t bear it anymore.. I am sorry if this might be too much for you, but I love you!“ Seonghwa finally reveals to his captain. Joongie smiles drunken in love, crosses his hands behind his Hyung‘s neck. ,,I.. I..“ he fails to confess his love to him. Seongie looks at him with gentle  patient eyes. Lovingly he calms him down. ,,It‘s okay, tell me your feelings whenever you‘re ready, I’ll wait for you.“


,,I might struggle to keep the flames inside me low, but I will wait for you. Take your time. I have already fallen for you and nothing about that will change. I will gladly listen to your words whenever you decide to be brave enough to let me hear them. I promise I will wait for you. Even if it takes a thousand years. Because although we know each other for way less than a millennium, it feels like I have loved you for a thousand years, and I‘ll love you for a thousand more!“

Yooo.. Bella and Edward my ass.

,,D-don‘t worry, I won‘t let you wait for an eternity.“ Hongjoong giggles quietly and pulls Seonghwa closer. Again the two oldest members of Ateez kiss each other, full of emotions, full of feelings when you suddenly hear a loud ,,Ahhh… yeahh fuck!!“

Hongjoong lets his eyes wander up to the stair railing and upstairs and shakes his head in disbelieve over his kids manners.

(Well.. Wooyoung isn‘t called the loudest member for nothing)

,,Ahh ssibal what is wrong with Mingi and Yunho, did they always feel so attracted to each other?“ the captain wonders.

,,I hate to correct you, but the vocals you just heard are Wooyoung‘s..“ Seonghwa laughs with a funny facial expression. ,,Ahh.. come on why is everyone having sex right now? Woosan is suddenly a couple, Yunho and Mingi are.. I don‘t even know what they are.. definitely nasty for doing it on the dining table.. at least Jongho and Yeosang are normal..“

(YEAH.. ´NORMAL´ I guess that depends on the point of view.)

Let’s check how normal they are..

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