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 ,,Anyone wants some mulled wine?“ Wooyoung wants to know before he heads to the kitchen. ,,Me!“ San lifts his hand. ,,Uhh, me too!“ the parents join. ,,Let‘s play the ‘I love you game..“ Yeosang chuckles in a way you can literally hear that he is tipsy. But compared to Mingi on the other hand, he is pretty sober. Mingi‘s cheeks are sakura pink and he suffers from a bad hiccup.

Ohh boy.. how could he get so drunk with Soju and Sojubombs?

Normally, this game ends in a total chaos with Ateez but since the alcohol is already doing his job, the members are okay with Hehetmon‘s idea. ,,I love you!“ Yeosang starts and confesses to Jongho. ,,I love you too!“ he replies. ,,I know, but concentrate on the game, hehet!“ Apple turns his head towards Yunho and forces himself to say ‘I love you‘. Yunho accepts, passes it onto Mingi. ,,I love you.“ The princess accepts the confession and smiles widely. Yuyu who is completely forgetting the game, embraces Mingi‘s neck to pull him closer. He licks over his lips to wet them, causing him to fall into a deep longing kiss with his babyboy. ,,No! Please don‘t kiss me, I have a boyfriend and I don‘t want to cheat on him. I love him with all my *HICCS* heart and I don‘t want to hurt him!“ Mangi ends the kiss.

Umm? Mingi? Are you okay?

,,Babyboy, gwaenchana?“ our golden retriever asks full of sorrow over his Mingi-Jane.

,,Ahhh my hero. You saved me Spider-yun! A few seconds ago there was a guy who kissed me, but I told him that I have you and only want you! Are you proud of your babyboy?“ The members, some of them ashamed, some of them gasping for air because of Mingi‘s weird funny behaviour hit their foreheads with the flat of their hands and sigh. Yuyu pinches his Mingione‘s butt and all of a sudden the alcohol loses the fight against Ateez princess. ,,Ahh! That hurt..“ he complains. ,,Sorry babyboy, but I still have a lot planned for us tonight, so don‘t pass out already!“ Mangi‘s hand mysteriously vanishes under the table, so he grabs into his boyfriend‘s crotch. ,,Ngghh.. I guess your plans include your magic wand, huh?“ he flirts sexily. ,,Ohhh ye.. my plans are indeed magical..“ Yun pants. Not only the alcohol is making his blood pressure go through the roof but his babyboy‘s hand playing with his dick, too. ,,Let‘s do some karaoke!“ Mingi-Jane suggests. Wow.. he is really so obsessed with doing karaoke, that he even thinks about it when he is doing some smutty things to his boyfriend. The moment Wooyoung comes back from the kitchen with some mugs, handing them to his parents and his daddy, the members turn on the karaoke system, getting ready for their karaoke session as if they would perform on one of the biggest stages of the world. ,,We should decide on who goes first with Gawi-Bawi-Bo!“ San tells his members. After some rounds between scissors, papers and stones, it is decided that Hongjoong and Jongho will go first. ,,Since you are already dressed that way captain, let‘s choose ´Numb´!“ Ateez Maknae suggests. Hongjoong nods motivatedly, grabs his microphone. ,,I‘m tired of being what you want me to be, feeling so faithless, lost under the surface..“ he sings with his undescribable attractive voice. Motherbird Seonghwa together with his three kids enjoy their captain‘s and their Maknae‘s performance whilst drinking their mulled wine and beer..

Wait a second.. Three kids? Two are missing.. where the hell is Yungi? And why did nobody noticed that they are missing?

Ahhh.. finally someone notices it. ,,Has anyone of you three seen Yunho or Mingi?“ Seongie asks slightly worried about his two missing kids. ,,A-ni-yo!“ the three musketeers answer at the same time. Again totally bewitched by his shawty‘s performance, Hwa forgets about his two kids and let me tell you, it‘s better for him to not come looking for them. //Uff..I wanna do him so bad in that half-skirt..damn..// The moment Hongjoong turns around spotting his boyfriend not being able to take his eyes off him, biting his lip and being lost in his thoughts, Hong winks at him and smiles seductively.

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