Merry Christmas my dear pirateeez

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The next morning, to be specific- the morning of christmas

The first one to be awake is Hongjoong, so he knocks on Yungi‘s door, since he and Mingi have to prepare breakfast for the others. After multiple knocks but no response, he enters their room sneaking his way towards their bed. He squints his eyes and discovers Yunho wearing a dog collar. //Ahh jinjja.. why is it always them doing such weird things and why is it always me who has to witness these disgusting things??// He facepalms himself, disgustedly pretends to not have seen anything when he goes to Mingi and wakes him. ,,Aii Mingiiii! We need to make breakfast, come on, you need to wake up!“ Ateez princess opens one of his eyes still half asleep, drowsy and mumbles: ,,Five more minutes..“ Not patient at all, Hongjoong ignores his son‘s request pulling on his arm. ,,Gaja!“ the captain keeps being persistant. Mingi reluctantly gets up and puts on the missing top of his dark blue satin pyjama.

(Ahh ssibal.. you look so fucking fine sir..)

Mini-Hong drags his son outside his room, downstairs and forces him to make pancakes.

(Oh no.. not again.. disaster pancakes are on the menu today.)

Surprisingly successful, the loser team of yesterday‘s charades game finishes preparing pancakes and calls their members downstairs. But no one shows up except Yeosang who must have smelled the sweet pancakes topped with marple syrupe and berries from far away. ,,Yeo, would you wake the others?“ the captain begs him, so Yeosang goes back to the first floor. He knocks on the different doors as loud as he can. Finally one door after another opens. Now, where all of the members except Yunho are awake and on their way downstairs, Hongjoong dines the table. Wanting to be with his pup, Mingi decides to take things into his own hands, goes to his and Yunho’s bedroom. He tickles his sleeping puppy to make him wake up. ,,Hmm.. fine babyboy, I‘ll come downstairs..“ Yun finally gives in. ,,Umm.. but please remove the dog collar before that kekeke!“ Mangi laughs. Together the twintower-ship comes down the stairs and all of the members gather around the table to enjoy the pancakes. ,,Huh? Are these gifts underneath the christmas tree or am I dreaming??“ San rubs his eyes. ,,Whoaa! You‘re right! There are really gifts, but who did this?“ Mingi wonders. The members all suspect each other and while they examine their faces to find out who it was, Mingi remembers his dream from last night. //Wow.. that was probably not a dream. But who was the little girl in the Santa Claus costume and how did she get in here?//

,,Ahem.. I am not that short.. and I am older than you..tchh!“ (Ahh I forgot, he can’t hear me when I am not next to him..)

Because none of his friends would ever believe him, he decides to keep it for himself and gulps down his pancakes.

(I mean, the lie detector believed him that he is an angel who descended from heaven so…)

,,It really was no one of you?“ Ateez oldest member asks again, but all of his sons also his husband shake their heads and deny it. Wooyoung pokes his daddy‘s ribs, nearly soundless -which is pretty uncommon for him- he shares his suspicion: ,,Don‘t you think it was Noona?“ San thinks for a second about it and comes to the conclusion that his baby must be right, because who else would have the ability to enter their log cabin? ,,Maybe it was Santa Claus hehet!“ Yeosang comments sheepishly, giggles. ,,Okay.. we probably won‘t find out who did it, but can we please unbox the gifts hehe?“ the Maknae gets impatiently. His older brothers and parents agree, so our captain, his wife, the pirate princess, the puppy of the pirates, Woosan and Jongsang sit down around the christmas tree. ,,Wait.. for each of us there is one gift, but for our captain there are two, that‘s weird.. Is Santa favoring him?“ Woo laughs. Hongjoong smiles full of confidence as he says: ,,Maybe because I was a good boy for the whole year or because Santa knows my hardships and struggles of being a dad of six kids, hmmpf..“ When San notices his bunny sulking, he kisses his cheek and whispers: ,,I told you, I put you on my naughty list, baby..“

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