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In front of the fireplace

Hongjoong lies still in Seonghwa‘s arms enjoying the skinship surrounded by the mood the glimming fire inside the camin creates.

‘Enjoying skinship‘ .. Ohh boy, that I‘m really able to experience that..

,,I know it’s maybe a bit early, but I would love to call our moms to tell them about our engagement..I know they will be surprised, but still.“ Hongjoong lets his Hyung know. Seonghwa agrees, so together they call their mothers. Hwa’s mom answers her phone first, a moment after her, Hong’s mom answers the call, too.

,,Eomma? I’m sorry for suddenly calling you, but I got something really important to tell you..“

,,Aiiigooo.. A-dul.. you don’t have to be sorry for calling me even if it would be in the middle of the night, I would pick up. And since it isn’t, what do you want to tell me, hmm?“ Hwa’s mom wants to know. At the same time Hongjoong and his mother are talking about the exact same thing.

,,What would you say when you suddenly find out that I am engaged?“ the Matz couple asks their moms.

,,A-dul.. I guess I would probably say the same as Seonghwa’s mom.“ Hongjoong’s mom answers causing her son as well as her soon-to-be son-in-law to drop their jaws.

,, did you-..?“ Hongi stutters nervously whilst holding Hwa’s hand.

,,Bum-Joong told me already about it. You know, your older brother knows you better than you think. He saw your new profile picture and noticed the ring you’re wearing. And since he also saw how you and Seonghwa act around each other, he combined one plus one..“

,,But Eomma.. how did you know?“ Seongie wants to know from his mother.

,,Hongjoong’s mom called me. Since I already knew you loved him for quite some time, because you told me once when you were drunk, I thought that the only person’s finger you could ever put a ring on, is probably Hongjoong-ah.“

,,Omo.. so what do you both think about it? Will you allow it?“ the Matz couple stammers in a trembling voice.

,,Ohh, as I said, I will say the same as Seonghwa’s mom.“

,,So.. what do you say, Eomma?“ Seongie wants to find out.

,,A-dul, of course I say yes. But there is still a way for me to get grandchildren, right? Kekeke..“

,,EOMMA!! We didn’t even think that far..not for now..“ Hwa blushes.

Hongjoong pulls him closer whispering nearly soundless: ,,I told you, I’ll make you a baby one day..“

,,Tchh.. more like I make you a baby..“ Seongie teases him back, pats his head.

To be really sure, the Matz couple asks their mothers again, if they are really going to allow it and after getting another yes, the two oldest members of Ateez burst into tears. When their moms suggest to hold a dinner in the next weeks to talk about details, they agree with tears running down their cheeks and say goodbye.

Sobbing, crying, whimpering but still smiling Hongjoong and Seonghwa lie in each others arms, cuddle onto each other.

,,Your brother is really like Sherlock..“ Seongie marvels the way his soon-to-be brother-in-law found out about them.

Ohh no.. my exclusive soft spot for Seongjoong.. I am crying like a little child..

What about the sous chef and the MC of today‘s cooking show?

Yeosang and Apple went outside on the patio, decided to spend their time until the dinner is ready with a snowball fight. Jongho collects some snow in his hand, forms a ball and throws it against Yeosang‘s leg. Definitely not letting it slide, Hehetmon fights back by throwing a ball against his boyfriend‘s back. Shortly after, the Maknae runs towards him, making him fall to the floor. He crawls between his legs and spreads some kisses on his neck. ,,Teddy not here..nghhh please.. you know how sensitive I am..“

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