At the ski resort

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Ohh wait.. today‘s main focus was on the remaining six members right? Oops..

The kids are doing great so far, Woosan is using the ski lift to make their way up to the point where they will start getting lessons from their teachers and the twintowers enjoy themselves being dressed in hockey equipment.

But let‘s first take a look at the snowbard prince himself and his teddy bear

,,You‘re doing great, just keep in mind to have a stable balance!“ Yeosang motivates Jongho. Actually our maknae loves snowboarding just as much as his fairy, but it’s been quite some time since he was standing on a snowboard. Even their teacher is impressed by Hehetmon‘s snowboard skills and cheers for them. Bit by bit Jongsang makes their way down the ski slope enjoying the winter wonderland around them. Jjong looks so determined.. but is he really only determined to learn snowboarding again or is he planning something else in his pretty head?

WHOA.. JINJJA!! The view from the window of the ski lift is amazing

Wooyoung reaches for San‘s hand and whispers: ,, I love you!“ ,,I love you too!“ San whispers back. ,,I am so exited to ride down that mountain..“ Woo laughs exitedly. San approaches the ear of his boyfriend and flirts in a naughty way: ,,Ohh.. you can ride that mountain at home, too…“

(I think every Atiny knows that, but if that‘s not the case, ‘San‘ means ‘mountain‘.)

,,Ahh.. get yourself a room!“

,,Umm.. I‘m sorry, but aren‘t you able to peek inside that room, too?“

,,Ye.. okok. I‘m sorry Choi San-Ssi..“

,,By the way.. you know everything about us, but we don‘t even know your name..“ Wooyoung complains.

,,Annyeong, my name is Kim Na-Ri and I‘m 25 years old, born in the year of the tiger, my blood type is A+ and my zodiac sign is virgo. My story isn‘t exiting at all, so let‘s continue with your story. By the way you arrived, your teacher is already waiting.“

,,Ohh.. Noona.. Thank you for supporting us!“

,,Thank you for giving me a unforgettable time with each concert, music video, vlog, picture and moment you share with us!“

,,She is so cute!“

,,Well, every Atiny is, but no one is cuter than my little bunny.“

As the hours are passing by, Woosan learns how to keep their balance and manages to move a few meters with their skiiers on. They look so adorable with their helmets and gloves..

Oii ! Mingi as well as Yunho are born with talent for ice hockey

,,Keep your eyes always on the puck and concentrate on your movements, handling the puck wrong, can end really-“ more isn‘t the teacher able to say, because chaos kid Mingi already fucked up and accidently shot the puck right into Yunho balls.


Yuyu sinks to the floor, tears in his eyes, squealing in pain. Instantly Mingi notices his mistake and comes running towards his babygirl. ,,Ouuuhhh.. how can it hurt so bad when I wear genital protection nhhh??“ *CRYING SOUNDS* The teacher hurries to check on Yunho and wants to know if everything is okay. After our golden retriever nods hesistatingly, the teacher suggests taking a break, so the staff pauses the recording. Mingi leans closer and apologizes. ,,I‘m really sorry, babygirl. Are you okay? Do you think you will still be able to do me?“ ,,Ohh.. babyboy.. that is your only fear?“ Yun moans in pain.

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