What are the beauty and the beast doing?

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Yeosang uses the opportunity whilst Jongho is inside the bathroom and tries to find out about the hidden gift behind the fake bottom of his gift bag. Carefully, he removes the fake bottom before he pulls a golden box out of it. Just when he opened the box, Apple sneaks up behind him and whispers: ,,Do you like the necklace?“ Yeosang looks at the beautiful silver necklace and smiles shyly: ,,Wow… the butterfly pendant is so beautiful, it‘s made out of a ruby, right?“ Jongho nods and explains: ,,I don‘t know if you believe in this, but the ruby is a healing stone that awakens the life forces of man and has a dynamizing effect. It promotes passion, virtue as well as bravery. Ruby is one of the most powerful healing stones for love and sexuality. It ensures that personal longings and intimate desires are perceived more consciously.  But all those meanings aside, I just thought that color would complement your eyes.“

,,Whoa, I‘m speechless.. thank you.. so if I wear this every day, do I become even more passionate then now? Huh?“ Yeosang blushes. ,,Could you help me putting the necklace on?“ he asks short after. //God..do not let him trigger you..mhmm.. more passionate?// Jongho hides his dirty smile as he grabs for the necklace. He puts it on Yeo‘s beautiful neck and approaches his ear. When Hehetmon turns around, his and Jongho‘s face are only centimeters apart. *GULP* *EXTREME LOUD HEARTBEAT* the Maknae gently strokes Yeosang‘s hair behind his ear, closes the already small distance between their faces. ,,May I..?“ he asks his beautiful fairy. Yeo just can‘t bring himself to say yes, so he nods slowly. Jongho places his left hand on Hehetmon‘s cheek, his right hand on Hehetmon‘s neck and kisses him. Tenderly, because he is afraid of hurting or overwhelming him, Jongho makes the cute romantic kiss into a wet french kiss. Yeosang slightly pushes Jongho away, moans: ,,Ngghh.. teddy please don‘t do it..“ The Maknae worries that he was to rash and wants to know if he did something wrong. ,,You don‘t like it?“ Yeosang shakes his head and whispers: ,,I do like it. A lot actually, but I‘m afraid I can‘t restrain myself if we continue..“ Apple hugs him to calm him down: ,,Wae? Ist he ruby already influencing you? Mhmm..Let‘s go inside the whirlpool and relax a bit my beautiful fairy, huh?“

// Oh no.. I shouldn‘t go… him shirtless inside the whirlpool.. tff//

,,Okay, let‘s go downstairs.“ Yeosang agrees by heart but not by mind, since he knows, he might not be able to keep his innocence.

// How cute.. he says he wouldn‘t be able to restrain himself, what should I say? Once I‘ll let go of my self-control, he would for sure become afraid of me..//

What are the remaining six up to?

The chaos couple is literally bawling inside the microphones of the karaoke system to NCT dream‘s “hot sauce“ and you can clearly tell that Mingi‘s crackhead energy has already rubbed off on Yunho. Or was it Yunho‘s crackhead energy that rubbed off onto Mingi? Or did they both became friends because of it?

Woosan fell asleep, maybe with dreams about white bunnys, potions and pastries and cards that can talk.

And the parents are on a walk through the little village their log cabin is located in.

(Oh no..that means unsupervised children, right? Oh nooo..)

Whilst Woosan is enjoying some tea time with a mad hatter, a cheshire cat and a bunny with a clock around it‘s neck, Yungi is performing the concert of their lives and the parents fleed from their noisy kids, Jongho and Yeosang sneaked into the wellness room of their villa.

Apple takes his shirt also his pants off and climbs inside the whirlpool. ,,What are you waiting for? Come on in!“ the Maknae calls Yeosang. ,,Y-You normally hate it to show skin.. but umm.. yeah.. I‘m coming, please don‘t mind my underwear, just ignore it.“ Yeo begs him. He lets his clothing drop to the floor and walks towards the whirlpool. // I‘m such a idiot, why did I put on these lace panties today out of all days? I hope he won‘t turn arou-//

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