08:00 PM at the Ateez villa

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,,I‘m so tired!“ Yunho nags before he says good night to the members. ,,Ahh I‘m totally exhausted, too..“ Mingi joins him, so the two tallest members of Ateez go upstairs.  Jongho lets his eyes follow them and scratches his head. //I’m not tired, not even a tiny bit..From what are these both so exhausted? We didn‘t do anything today.. that’s suspicious// ,,I’ll do the dishes!“ Seonghwa volunteers and picks the plates up. ,,Umm.. I‘ll help you..“ Hongjoong offers and helps his Hyung cleaning the mess up, Wooyoung made earlier.

Mhhh.. is it because he feels bad when Seonghwa is doing all the chores alone or is it because he wants to have an excuse to spend time with him?

 ,,I will relax a bit inside the whirlpool if it‘s okay..“ Yeosang lets his friends know and Woo joins him. Jongho takes a deep breath and thinks about if he should join them too, to keep an eye on Yeosang or if he should not do it. Meanwhile San isn’t even thinking about holding himself back, let’s the burning feeling inside his chest win. The moment he sees how Wooyoung heads with Yeosang to the whirlpool, he rushes towards them.

//We are just friends with benefits..I have no reason to be jealous.. no reason to be..ahhhhh ssibal!! I guess the fact alone I followed him without hesistating means I’m jealous..// He goes after Woo and makes himself sit inside the whirlpool together with his baby and Yeo. //Okay.. that‘s definitely too much!! Why does everyone wants to sit inside the whirlpool with my Yeosang??// Jongho storms inside the wellness room of the villa, changes his clothes and takes a seat inside the whirlpool, right next to Yeosang. When Hehetmon notices his teddybear sitting next to him, he blushes again, turns his face away.
//Ahh dang.. why does he make me blush so hard?.. why does my heart beat so fast?// Ateez youngest one pretends to stretch himself and wraps his arm around Yeo‘s shoulders. He turns slightly towards him closing the distance between his lips and Yeosang‘s ear to softly whisper: ,,If you ever feel like wanting to be protected, come into my arms, I‘ll be there for you..“ Hehetmon‘s face turned into a tomato in the meantime and since Jongho‘s strong arm doesn‘t let him go, he goes for the only possible way and buries his face in Jongho‘s muscular chest. His chest which looks even more muscular due to the black soaking wet shirt that covers his upper body.

(Like why is ma man hiding all that under hoodies and sweaters? Dammnn you are so fine, Jongho-ah..)

//Oh no .. that was a bad idea.. now I feel even more shy.. his body is so sexy.. shit..// Wooyoung who calmed down again and San who still doesn’t know why his baby broke one of the chopsticks earlier, detach their intense gazes from each other and look in the direction of their youngest brother. ,,What the... are you doing?" San asks, confused at Yeosang burying his face in Jongho's chest. Jongho gestures for San to come closer, teasing him: ,,What are you doing with your hands underwater? Did you think I wouldn't notice you were holding hands?"

Sanjook lifts his eyebrows and gives his little brother a bitchy glare. ,,So are you both a couple?“ he asks Woosan. ,,No.. we are only friends with benefits..“ Wooyoung forces himself to smile whilst explaining his and San‘s situation. //Friends with benefits… ouch.. reality once again hits hard..//

,,Yeah, were not a couple..“ San confirms, but he too, doesn’t seem to be happy about the fact that he isn‘t Wooyoung’s boyfriend. //Again.. that burning feeling from earlier.. what is that?//

Apple’s eyes wander from San to Woo and from Woo again to San. And before Yeosang- who knows that his best friend loves San- can stop him, Jongho mumbles: ,,What a pity.. you guys would be such a cute couple..“ You can tell Woo‘s discomfort just by looking at his face as he  excuses himself and hastily climbs out of the whirlpool, runs upstairs to their room. San really can‘t understand what is wrong with his baby. Even if Yeosang and Jongho are his friends, without Wooyoung he feels kind of empty. ,,Umm.. I‘ll go after him and talk to him and you two better not act out inside the pool here haha!?“ San leaves his friends by himself, quickly runs after his baby.

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