Strayteez, Semantic Error & Love confessions

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After they enjoyed their breakfast, they decide to make a groupcall with Straykids. *TUT TUT TUT* ,,Yeoboseyo?“ Chan answers his phone when Hongjoong calls him. ,,Annyeonghaseyo Hyung, how are you?“ Hongi asks Straykids leader. ,,I‘m foine what about you? Wait let me go to the otha members quickly.“ Chan explains and takes the pirates to his kids. ,,Is it snowing in Seoul, Hyung?“

,,Uhh naur, it‘s cold but today there is no snow, where are you guys?“

,,Ohh we‘re in Jeollabuk-do, we just finished all our appointments and shootings here, but right now were stuck here because of the meters of snow.“

One after another the members of Straykids wave towards their leader‘s front camera and greet their friends. Like the menace he is, Woo decides to tease Felix and asks cheekily: ,,Whoa Yongbok-ah, what a nice ring, where did you get it?“

Felix tries to hide his smile but chooses to brag about the ring Hyunjin made for him. ,,Uhh.. do you mean the ring on my roight hand? That’s moi engagement ring.“ All the Ateez members cheer and bawl inside their captain‘s phone. ,,Whoaa daebak! So it‘s true..“ San mumbles. Hearing Sannie admitting that he knew about it already, Felix frowns, worries where he could have heard that, since it‘s definitely a secret between them, their manager and me..

,,Oii where did you hear that San-Hyung? Naurrbody except our manager, us and Noona knows about that..“

,,Noona? Do you by any chance know someone who has you as her bias and is literally everywhere?“

,,Naurrr way, you can.. I mean, you know her, too? Lemme guess, you and Wooyoung, roight? How is she doing?“

,,She is fine. Oh, so Hyunjin-Ssi knows her too, right?“

Felix nods and it‘s not just his six friends that look weirdly at him but also San‘s six friends look akwardly at him and Wooyoung.

,,Guys, what are you talking about?“ the captain wants to know from his two sons and Bangchan at the same time wants to know from Hyunlix.

,,Uhh nothing, it‘s not important anyways..“ Sanlix decides to hide the fact that they can talk to the narrator of their stories.

,,MAKNAEYAAAAAAAAAH!“ it is loud, very clearly heard from Chan‘s side of the call. The members of Ateez watch how Seungmin pulls Jeongin on his collar towards him and continues: ,,I love you!“

,,Wait a second, don‘t tell me you guys have a third couple?“ Mingi is surprised about their similar situations.

Seonghwa tilts his head and scratches his chin. // Did really all of them forget that I told them yesterday about Straykids similar situation??//

,,Actually we are four couples haha!“ Minho looks over his husband‘s shoulder and giggles.

,,No way, we are also four couples omo that is so weird !“ Hongi says shyly.

,,Naurr, really? That‘s so cute! So it‘s you and Seonghwa-Hyung, San-Hyung and Wooyoung-Hyung, probably Mingi-Ssi and Yunho-Ssi and…“ sunshine Felix can’t hold back his curiosity.

Jongsang looks at each other and covers their faces with some pillows. //Oh no..that‘s so embarassing..//

Before Felix can continue, Changbin snatches Chan‘s phone, smirks inside the camera. ,,Aha! AII WOOYOUNG-AH.. SO YOU FINALLY ACHIEVED YOUR GOAL, HUH?“ Binnie shouts inside the mic of the phone. ,,YE! CHANGBIN-AH? IS THAT A TATTOO ON YOUR THIGH?“ Wooyoung bawls back. ,,Ahh guys, could you maybe turn the volume a little bit down?“ Channie complains with a cute smile on his face. Sulkingly, Binnie listens to his leader and answers his friend in a calm voice: ,,Oh, I just got it a few weeks ago..“

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