Cooking live and Mingi's moral loyalty

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Back inside the log cabin

,,Let's draw lots to see who will cook live with Woo, okay?" Hongjoong addresses his members. One by one, they write a small note and place it in a bowl. Ready to pick, Joongie closes his eyes and pulls three slips of paper out of the bowl. He opens his eyes starting to read: ,,Yeosang, Jongho and Yunho."

Missing his daddy already, Woo pouts, blinks sadly towards San. Watching the scene, Seonghwa laughs and looks at the umbrella couple. ,,You will surivive it, don’t be afraid hahaha!“ he teases them. Sannie nods poutingly, Woo sighs but agrees. Mingi who isn’t happy about the situation either, hugs Yunho from behind and whispers jealously to him: ,,Tchh.. you're again doing live videos with Wooyoung..“ Afraid of making him feel like his moral loyalty was betrayed again, Yunho grabs Mingi’s hands and sighs: ,,It wasn’t me who chose it but the note Hongjoong-Hyung did just draw..“

,,Mhh… I think you like to spend time with him.. but you should enjoy spending time with me more than with the others.. we know each other for longer.. or did you already get used to it and now you don’t cherish the time you spend with me anymore, huh?“ Yunnie who is usually really calm, polite, patient, pushes Mingi against the wall and pinches his cheek. ,,Don’t you dare to say something like this again! If you would only know how awful I felt in those eight months where you haven’t been by my side. I not only cherish the time we both spend together, I worship it and now stop being unneccessarily jealous, babyboy! I love you.“ Even if he is a wolf, Mingi puts on a puppy look and apologizes. ,,I’m sorry babygirl. I love you, too. I‘ll go to the sauna, the heat will definitely do my back good." Yuyu pecks a kiss on Mingi's cheek and smiles in approval. ,,Uhh.. I'll go to our room, baby to read the letter that came with our gift, okay?" Wooyoung waves to his daddy accepting his fate as the only member that can stop the others from turning the kitchen into a battlefield. Since they got nothing to do, the two oldest members make themselves sit comfortably in front of the fireplace on the lambskin - which has become their favorite spot - and Hongjoong lies down on his back with his head resting on Seonghwa's lap. Suddenly, Seonghwa pokes his shawty in the side, murmurs: ,,Shawty, am I seeing right and there is a bottle of spray cream next to the fireplace or am I imagining it?" Hongjoong turns his head towards the fireplace, only to discover the bottle of spray cream. ,,YAAAAAAAAAAH!! Am I supposed to be freaking out here? What little pig put spray cream next to the chimney and what the hell is it doing next to it anyway?" the captain snaps.

Oh boy, Pokjoong really needs to work on his aggression problem again.

Jongho and Yeosang, who are preparing everything for the cooking live, don't turn around at all and the soup ladle Yeo is holding in his hand is shaking worse than a branch in the wind. ,,Shit, sweetie, did you forget to put the cream back in the fridge yesterday?" Jjong asks his boyfriend. Hehetmon nods unobtrusively wishing he could vanish, but no matter how much he pretends to search for something inside the lowest drawer of the cupboard, no hole is appearing where he could sink in. //Oh no.. how embarrassing.. please don‘t let him find out..// Spotting his most shy son‘s behavior, Hwa distracts his husband. What a lovely mother. He pulls him back down on the lambskin and opens his legs, so he could sit between them. Within seconds, Hongi forgets his anger, takes a seat between his only Hyung‘s legs. He leans his back on Seonghwa‘s chest and grabs Seonghwa‘s arms to put them around his petite waist.

What is San up to?

He sits on his bed and reads the letter I wrote for him. After a moment, he puts the letter aside so he can wipe the tears out of his face.

,,Noona? Are you there?“

,,I am. Always. Atiny is always there for you. All of you.“

,,I wish you could be here.“

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