The next morning 09:00 AM

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*Ringringring* Seonghwa‘s alarm clock wakes him and when he opens his eyes, he notices that he must have turned in his sleep, because he looks directly in Hongjoong‘s face.

//He is so handsome..There is nothing in this wide world I would prefer to look at as soon as I open my eyes than him.. I wish I could kiss him once. Just once.. it tears me apart, that I can‘t kiss and touch the person I love, how I want. It‘s okay. I will give him all the time he needs. Although he never confessed to me, I know that he feels the same, he just can‘t say it out loud..// Totally spellbound from his beauty, Hwa can‘t resist but to stroke the hair out of his captain‘s face. Suddenly, Hongjoong opens his eyes and Seonghwa closes his own to pretend he would still be asleep. Mini-Hong looks in a drowsy way at him and decides to fight against his fear of skinship once again. Gently, he drives with his fingers through his only Hyung‘s face and marvels his stunningly gorgeous facial features. ,,You look so perfect.. almost unreal..“ he whispers softly. Seonghwa opens his eyes and looks deeply into his captain‘s. ,,Good morning captain..“ he mumbles still sleepy. Hongjoong blushes, hides his face inside his pillow. ,,It‘s okay mini-Hong, I won‘t say something against it if you want to touch me.“ Seongie calms him down. ,,I will take a shower, we have to get up and dress ourselves for the shooting. I mean the location is downstairs, so we don‘t have to hurry as much as always, but still.“ ,,Mhh, I will go wake up the kids..“ Joongie speaks into his pillow with a muffled voice. As soon as Seonghwa enters the bathroom, our lovely captain stands up and heads to Jongsang‘s room. ,,Guys wake up, we have to eat breakfast and get ready for the shooting!“

,,Uhh.. ye captain!“ it is heard from inside Jongho‘s and Yeosang‘s room.

(Two more rooms to go.)

,,Mingi! Yunho! Wake up!“ Hongjoong knocks with his tiny fists against the door. After multiple knocks but no response, he decides to enter the room and opens the door.

(Oh no.)

Hongjoong enters the room and grabs Mingi‘s and Yunho‘s blanket, he pulls on it and what he just now discovered shocked him so much that he stumbles causing him to fall on his butt. ,,Ahhhhhhhhhhh ssi… why are you both completely naked? Why are you hugging each other?“ Mingi and Yunho open their eyes and realize that there is no blanket anymore that covers them. ,,Uhh.. oh I don‘t know.. why are people doing stuff like that?“ Mingi laughs with one eye closed and one eye opened. ,,I‘m cold, give me the blanket back Mingi..“ the shivering puppy nags. Hongjoong throws the blanket over them and runs off to the next bedroom.

//WHAT THE HELL HAVE I JUST WITNESSED?? Since when do they sleep with each other? Wait.. the question is, since when are they gay?? Okay.. when I think about it.. their chemistry was always to heavy to be just friends.. but still..//

,,Woosan! Wake up you both!!“ Joongie knocks on their door to be able to return to his room. What a perfect moment. Although Seonghwa loves to take long showers, he finished washing up early, because he heard his captain yelling from another room. Seonghwa leaves the bathroom with just a towel around his lends and without having time to ask what happened, Hongjoong runs towards him, hugs him. ,,Uhh captain.. what happened? Why were you shouting?“

//SHIT! I really tried to avoid such a situation.. his tiny hands touching my naked back.. this isn‘t good. I mean it feels good but this isn‘t good.. oh no Seonghwa.. calm down..// Seongie grabs his captain‘s chin and forces him to look directly into his face. ,,I was t-trying to wake up Mingi and Yunho, so I pulled their blanket away and.. omg.. I can‘t believe what I just saw… they were naked lying inside the bed hugging each other.. I think they had.. they had sex..“ Seonghwa‘s jaw drops also his facial expression turns disgusted. ,,They did what..?“ he asks to be sure he heard the right thing. ,,They had sex..“ Hongi repeats and the moment these words leave his mouth for a second time, his memory automatically recalls what he has just seen.

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