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As You sat on the roof, waiting for your brother to stop messing around with some red haired kid, well to be honest you were much more of a kid than him. You were 13 but lived for so long and without even aging, since were a demon. But that didn't bother you. As long as you had your brother, Gyutaro that's all you needed. He was your savior and whenever you'd be in trouble he would always come to your rescue. Even posing as a human, you were very cruel. Now an ounce of empathy, maybe you did cry when you didn't get some stuff you wanted or when the brat Tengen cut your head off. But it was okay! Once your big brother came in and managed to chop his hand off. But that wasn't enough. You wanted him dead, slaughtered for doing such a thing to you. That was embarrassing enough but you knew your big brother would mess around with him and eventually slaughter him to death, because that's what he always did. Right?

Gyutaro kept smacking that boy Tanjiro on the head, then the boy ran off, it made you slightly laugh. Gyutaro kept calling him all sort of names, and honestly you couldn't blame him. That boy was pathetic for not being able to protect his younger sister, 'So useless' you thought. But that boy didn't even make you mad it was his younger sister that pissed you off the most, for what she did to you.

You continued watching as then Gyutaro said he'd make the boy a demon or whatever. Which caught your attention, you didn't want that to happen, so you protested.

"How about you just become a demon too?! Why not do it for your little sisters sake?! oh why haven't I thought of that sooner?! If you become a demon I'll spare your life! Since you and I will be comrades then, otherwise I'll slaughter you and your pathetic sister.. since I don't give a crap about other people's little sisters to be honest."

'What the hell?!' You thought as you the protested "NO WAY! Absolutely not brother! I am not on board with this understand?!" You yelled.

Gyutaro didn't seem like he heard you. So he kept speaking "If you become a demon you can instantly become stronger! You can kiss that defective body of yours goodbye!"

He kept yapping but then the boy did a head butt. On him. You scolded him for that and told him to get back up on his feet. When he didn't immediately stand up you were confused, it was weird.

"Brother!" You called out. As that boy tried cutting his head. 'What the hell?!' You thought as you furrowed your eyebrows and scoffed. Once this was over you were definitely gonna scold your brother. But maybe you'd forgive him.

"Hey what the hell are you doing?! Don't get beheaded by someone like him!!" You said as you just charged at the boy, well you tried but before you knew it the ugly yellow haired boy was up in the air. You were starting to get really ticked off. If it wasn't for your brother none of this would be happening! But that didn't matter since you both would be winning anyway. Right?

"DIE YOU UGLY FREAK!" You yelled as you were about to charge at the yellow haired boy. you found yourself getting your head severed! 'Damit! I had no idea he could move like this!' You thought. As the Sound hashira came in a clutch to fight Gyutaro.

Before you knew it, the ugly boar head came in a clutch as well and they both decapitated your head. But not just yours, your brothers too. But then your brother's body started to well sort of Explode which caused mass destruction. But as everything went red you then found yourself somewhere else. It didn't even look like the village. It was different, too different.



         ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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