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You had a lot to look forward to today. But before that you obviously had to just relax and hang around the house. You were on the couch with Midnight. She was scrolling through her phone and so were you, neither of you were watching the TV and yet it was still on.

"Brat don't you have school? Go get ready."

"Don't you have work?" You replied back without a beat.

A tick mark appeared on her forehead as she threw her Victoria Secret slippers at you. This woman had a whole collection of them.

"HEY!" You yelled as you both started to blabber stuff at each other before she told you to shut up. The way she said it seemed pretty serious than usual, so for once you actually did but you were confused in the process.

"What?" You asked as you raised an eyebrow.

"Look it's Ingenium, that's lida's brother. Poor guy has been all over the damn news." She said as she pointed at the TV screen.

"Ingenium? lida? You mean Four eyes?" You asked as you raised an eyebrow to which she nodded.

"Yeah kiddo, turns out he got attacked in Hosu city, Tokyo by the villain Stain. That filthy bastard already killed 17 hero's and hurt  about 23 so badly they probably won't ever be hero's ever again." She coldly said, it made her pretty mad that he hadn't been caught yet. Maybe he would be someday and she hoped it would be in one of these days.

'Stain huh? What kind of weird ass name is that. He's probably just as ugly as his name.  A filthy Stain.'  You thought as you scoffed and went to go get ready for school, after all it would start in a hour or so.


"Everyone has their costumes right? Remember you don't have permission to wear them out in public yet and don't lose them or anything."

"Gotcha!" Mina yelled rather excitedly. The girl couldn't contain her excitement.

"Speak properly! It's 'Yes sir." Ashido." Aizawa sternly said.

"Yes, sir." She sulked.

"Make sure you mind your manners with the other hero's during your internships. All of you. Now get to it."

[STUDENTS] "Yes, sir!"

Soon everyone and their friends all gathered around, saying a nice farewell before their internships would begin.

"Cya everyone!" Mina said as she waved and left.

"Yeah see ya guys! And Bakugo make sure to chill out man!" Kirishima yelled as he waved and walked off to his own train.

Bakugo just scoffed and left, without saying goodbye.

"There goes madman." Kaminari said as Sero nodded.

"I HEARD THAT DUNCE FACE!" Bakugo yelled as he went on his way.

"Whoopsies." Kaminari nervously mumbled as he waved and left. "Anyways bye guys! And Y/N when can I take you out?"

"I'd never go out with someone as ugly and disgusting as you." You said as you grimaced and left.

"Thought so." Kaminari said as he sulked beside Sero.

"Dude, what'd you expect?" Sero commented as he shook his head and laughed in disbelief.


"FUCK YOU TOO BITCH." BNHA x KNY CROSSOVER x READERWhere stories live. Discover now