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You found yourself standing in front of a tall ass door. You just casually went inside, not even taking a deep breath in or thinking of some dumbass quote that would give someone motivation. You walked in and took a quick glance around the room. The first thing you saw was a dude with red eyes and Blonde spiky hair, in front of him was a Tall blue haired guy that moved like a robot.

"Take your feet off of that desk now! It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing this school's property you cretin!" The navy haired boy with glasses told the red eyed dude. "Your kidding me right? Your old school put a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?" The blonde guy snapped back.

'Whole bunch of yip yap.' You thought as you rolled your eyes. 'These weirdos are gonna be a hell of a class.' You heard someone come in behind you, you grimaced terribly. How could someone have such weird broccoli hair? Your brother's hair was green but it wasn't THIS bad. The boy seemed nervous which made you raise an eyebrow, why is he nervous? It's not that serious.

"Uh, hi." The boy said, with a pink tint of blush on his cheeks. 'nervous and shy plus loser looking. This kid's definitely not gonna make it out.' You thought as you mentally snickered. He was real nervous as he said hi to the navy blue haired boy. The blue haired boy stomped over to Broccoli and introduced himself as 'Tenya lida' and the broccoli was 'Izuku Midoriya'. You made sure to keep their names in mind as well, who knows maybe you'd have to spar with them sometime. You could care less for their conversation as you looked around for an available seat. You saw one in front of the spiky haired blonde so you sat down there. You could feel some stares at you. Most likely because of your outfit, and your looks.  Then some homeless looking dude walked inside. Your mind went blank for a moment, it reminded you of the person you had murdered when you first got here. You wondered how you got away with that one.

"Hello I'm Shota Aizawa. Your teacher. If you're here to make friends might as well get up and leave." The man said, which you silently agreed with him on. Everyone gasped 'Our teacher?!' The man wasted no time and instructed everyone to put an ugly suit on and go outside. You internally died.

You went into the locker room and quickly changed, your 'Quirk' Wasn't on so nobody saw your Obi-Belt, even if they did they probably wouldn't mind. You headed on outside.

"What?! A quirk assessment Test? Everyone said. "But Orientation! We're gonna miss it! A brown haired girl said.
"If you really wanna make it to big leagues you can't waste your time on pointless ceremonies. Here at U.A were not tethered to traditions. That means I get to run my class however I see fit-"
'Blah, blah blah blah blah.' You repeated in your mind as you didn't listen to the rest of whatever he was saying, why? Because you simply didn't care. You took a glance around and saw Tokoyami but you then went back to paying attention. He was probably serious about this too and didn't want to mess around, neither did you.

"You never got to use your quirks in physical exams before." You slightly smirked at that, you already knew how to use your Obi-Art and not just that but you could heal any part of your body, but you weren't exactly immortal anymore. You aged a bit more slowly but that was it, you did actually see subtle changes. But anyways you definitely had the upper hand here. Some quirks could trap you and defeat you, but there was no way you were gonna let that happen.

"Bakugo you managed to get the most points on the entrance exam. What was your farthest distance throw with a softball when you were in junior high?" Mr. Aizawa asked as Bakugo responded, "Sixty seven meters, I think."

"Right try doing it with your quirk, anything goes just stay in the circle."

"All right man you asked for it." The blonde said as he stretched his arm a bit. 'All right man you asked for it, stfu and hurry up.' you thought to yourself as you rolled your eyes. You were practically judging everyone in your head.

"FUCK YOU TOO BITCH." BNHA x KNY CROSSOVER x READERWhere stories live. Discover now