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A day had passed so far. Midnight had gotten done with the papers, it would taken longer if it wasn't the fact that she had been up all night filling on everything that was needed. And well today she had been sleeping for the past 3 hours, she was tired. You couldn't blame her for that. As she was sleeping or whatever you couldn't understand. You really couldn't understand why the fucking sun wasn't killing you. You simply stared at it. Sort of in shock. You had never seen the sun before. And it wasn't killing you. It was suck a shock you were stuttering through words. It did burn a little, but it was nothing serious, it just felt a bit hot. You don't even remember looking at a sun when you were human. You stared at it in shock as you turned back around and wondered what to do now. Midnight was sleeping and she had gotten you a new pair of clothes. They were ugly, real ugly. But it was what she had that was in your size. She said that she'd taking you shopping today for new things, like a bed and necessities. You stared at her house sort of in shock. What was the big black thin block that was in front of those couches? You were in shock. This was way too different from what you were used to. But you quickly adapted to it. You couldn't stay in shock forever.

Time passed, you were exploring everything. You were still in shock but shrugged it off as Midnight said she'd take you shopping. You quickly focused on that as she got in the car and drove off with you in the passenger seat. Soon enough you both were at the mall. Midnight was excited until she found herself following you around everywhere, usually she'd be as excited as you but she was tired as fuck and she had to wear a mask along with a cap, also some sunglasses because she had said she was 'Too popular' for the public which was pretty true.


"This is horrendous, who made this?!" You told her, quite loud as the people around you both gave side eyes, it was like watching a bratty kid complain and complain but you didn't care, they could stare all they want, they could eat their own asses while at it too. Midnight just shrugged. "Alright kid we're going to the other one, this was sucks ass." She told you, bluntly. You liked that side of her and responded saying "Clearly!"

After 3 hours of getting stuff and you being shocked at how weird things are. Not just the place but the people too. Some people looked like animals, you furrowed your eyebrows at that. 'Who the hell was born like that and decided to create a mini version of themselves.?!' You thought as you stared around, but you shrugged it off, You were used to seeing stuff like that for example Gyoko was kind of like them. 'He'd definitely fit in with those brats over there.' You thought to yourself at you stared at who knows what the fuck they were. "Well time to go kiddo. I already ordered some furniture and stuff for your room." Which you just slightly nodded to.

Days had now passed. This world was weird. Well to you atleast. You found out the system of hero's and how it worked. The number one hero went by the name 'All might' supposedly he was the real deal. Midnight had said he was very popular with the public because he saved people and stuff. You also found out humans had basically superpowers that were called 'Quirks'. Midnight had asked you if you had a quirk to which you nodded saying your quirk was called 'Obi-Art'

After hearing about this and that you sort of understood more of how everything works. She assumed you hadn't really used a phone or a Tv, who knows maybe your ex-parents were strict or something? Which she showed you all sorts of stuff, Technology, fashion trends, famous hero's, and stuff like that. You thought maybe this wouldn't be so bad until she told you something you thought you'd never hear.

"School?" You asked as you raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, you're 13. You should be in school so I'm applying you to like a school nearby or whatever. Act normal don't embarrass yourself." She bluntly said as she scrolled on her phone, she had gotten home from patrol. You weren't that surprised but the stuff you learned back your well other school was like basic manners to be an oirán. How the fuck where you supposed to understand basic subject if you didn't even know how to do a basic math equation? You knew how to write and read but nothing else. Maybe you'd learn there anyway. You just tapped your chin and scoffed. 'Whatever.' You thought. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad. But yet again you hardly got along with anyone, it reminded you of how you treated that little pathetic girl in the red light district. The way you grabbed her ear and made it bleed. And yet you still didn't feel bad. Yet you wanted to become a hero? That's what you kind of decided. You saw those pretty beautiful women that were heroes on the front cover of a magazine. And your eyes glowed just observing the magazine. So ever since you decided to become a hero. But maybe you just didn't have the mentality, you were strong, you were beautiful, but were you smart? Maybe... not so much.

"FUCK YOU TOO BITCH." BNHA x KNY CROSSOVER x READERWhere stories live. Discover now